
发布 2020-07-31 04:08:28 阅读 2529



1、s e (尺码) 2、c ot es (衣服)3、y_ _ng_ _更年轻的) 4、in e est(有趣的) 5、k_ l_gr_m(千克)



the classroom6.洗衣服。

7.i’m taller than you8.看电影。


1. big(反义词) 比较级) 3. child(复数。

4. those(单数) 5. three(序数词) 6. read(过去式。

7. they (宾格 (过去式。

名词性物主代词10. teach(过去式。



)1. this a. with b. the c. north

)2. she a. english b. shoe c. chopsticks

)3. nice a. chess b. student c. chinese

)4. county a. young b. enough c. house

)5. meat a. sweater c. eat

)6. make a. cake

)7. doctor a. door


) 1. a. monkey b . bread c. tiger

) 2 .a. chinese b. china c. england

) 3. a. guitar b. piano c. football

) 4. b. today c. saturday

) 5 . b. cold c. summer

) 6 . b. black c. purple

) 7 . b. arm c. shoulder

) 8 . b. cold c. he**y


)1. tomskiing last weekend.

a. goes b. went c. go

( )2. did you go?——i went to shanghai.

a. what c. how

) was busy .

weekend c. last weekend

) john swimming yesterday.

c. went

) the weather yesterday.——it___windy.

b . was;was c. be;is

) uaually do on the weekend ?

c. did

) hair isn’t hair isn’teither.

c. shortest

) is 13years old,but we’re 11 years

a. he is the oldest of us. is younger than me.

c. we are older than him.

) pig’s tail is than the __

a. shorter,horse’s b. long;horse’s c. shorter;horse

)10. thursday morning,john went to america.

a. in b. on c. at

)11. howyour weekend?——it was good.

a. did b. was

)12. my mothertv last night.

a. watch

) is the dinosaur.

a. he**y b. he**ier

)14. my school is___than his.

a. new b. the newer c. newer

) are bigger .

b. foot c. feet



) do you usually do on the weekend?

) old are you?

) 3. how tall is your teacher?

) 4. how he**y is your brother?

) do you go to school?

) are you?

) was your weekend?

) was the weather like yesterday?

) size are your shoes?

) you wash your clothes this morning?


1. this dinosaur is 21meters .(对划线部分提问)

2. i get up at seven o`clock. (改为一般疑问句)

3. mary is older than jack.(写出同义句。

drinks tea every friday. (用last friday改写)

5. she’s a famouse woman.(用they代替she改写句子。

is is 1.6 meters. (用比较级改为一句话)

studied english last night.(改为一般疑问句)

last, did,night,his(.)连词成句)

.,weekend, do,did,last,you(?)连词成句)


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