
发布 2020-07-31 04:07:28 阅读 7133



年级: 六年级科目:英语。

时间: 60 分钟满分: 100 分。


__one(**) 2. t__ l(告诉)

__get(忘记) _d(赠送)

5. fl__ er(花) _g(秋千)

__d(在后面) _跷跷板)



3. send a present4.教师节。

5. do some washing6. just a moment

not in8. under the tree

9. 在门后面 the hat



this linda speaking?

that linda speaking?

you speaking,linda?

( )2.有人打**找你妈妈,可是她正忙着做饭,你可以说:

is not at home.

is doing some washing.

a moment,please.


you like to see him with me?

you like seeing me with him?

you like seeing him with me?

( )rabbits behind the tree.

) other people?



is there any children in the park?


they’re on the swings.


we are playing games under the tree.


mary and linda are on the seesaw.


look!she is in there.


my name is 1 . my2. _name is joy3.

__twelve.4___school is no.1 middle school.

i’m in 5___6.__li is my english teacher. her name is sue.

she’s a7.__liu yang isn’t here today. i think he is 8.

__liu yang is my friend .i h**e seven9. _at school.

they are in grade 10.__

) fang b.zheng xiao fang c.zheng xiao fang d.zheng xiaofang

) b.english c.japanese d.english’s

) b.i c.i’m d.am i

) b.her c.their d.my

) one,class one b.class one,grade one

c.grade one,class one d.class one,grade one

) b.mrs c.mr d.mrs

) b.boy c.woman d.girl

) home b.at home c.at school d.at a home

) b.friend’s c.friends’ d.friends

) b.or c.too d.two


present should i give she?__

flowers is quite beautiful.__

i speak with your grandmother?__

day is september 10th.__

want to send a present for my mother.__



b:hello!is___1)peter speaking?

a:no,__2)is lucy.

b: is peter __3)home?

a:just a___4).he is doing some washing.

is b:this is bought some delicious fruits6)you like to come to eat with me?

c:great!i’m coming soon.


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