
发布 2020-07-27 11:20:28 阅读 8037


标志性词语every day, every…,once a week, always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never.






what food do you like? i like sweet oranges.

what color does your father like? he likes black.

what’s your f**orite subject? my f**orite subject is english. it’s easy for me.

my english teacher is funny and kind.

lisa’s f**orite class is history. it’s very interesting.

what’s your f**orite sport? my f**orite sport is basketball. it’s very exciting.

i often play it with my friend. i play it on sunday. i h**e a lot of fun.

which sport do you prefer, football or basketball? football is my f**orite.

peter’s f**orite sport is badminton. he plays it once a week.

he plays it happily.= he has a lot of fun. (happy—happily)听力填空中常考此单词,注意副词形式。


规则变化:直接加ly: slow-slowly, quick-quickly;辅音字母加y结尾,变y为i加ly,如:

he**y-he**ily, happy-happily;形式不变fast-fast, hard-hard。此外务必注意形容词后加名词,但是副词修饰动词或者形容词,放在动词后,形容词前。如:

run fast, very beautiful

what’s / what is the weather like today? it’s sunny.

what was the weather like yesterday? it was a cloudy day.此句为一般过去时。

what is the dog like?it’s big and brown.

what chores do you usually do? i usually water the flowers and walk my little dog.

who is that man over there? he is our math teacher, mr green.

whose english book is it? it’s hers/sue’s.

注意:who’s 与whose 发音相同但是意思和用法完全不同,在听力练习听问句选答语时经常混淆,务必加以警惕。

where is the nearest post office? it’s next to the hospital?

where does your sister often play sports? she often plays sports in the park.

when is your mother’s birthday? it’s (on) march 1st.

how old are you? i am 12 years old?

how old is martin? he is 13 years old. he is older than me/i am.

how tall are you? i am 162 cm tall. i am the tallest in my class.

but i am not the he**iest.三者以上比较用最高级,一般句子中有表示范围的词汇,如:in china, in our class, of the three.

how much do you weigh? /how he**y are you? i weigh 50 kg.

–he**y表示物品很重,还可以用于表示雨大,如:he**y rain其副词还可以表示为it’s raining he**ily outside.

he weighs 50 kilograms.

how much are the shoes? they are 150 yuan.

how much is the red one? it’s 15 yuan. one除表示数字1或一个外,还可以表示某事,某物。ones表示某些事物。

how much does the yellow shirt cost? it only costs thirty five dollars.

how much do the socks cost? they cost 25 yuan.

how many people are there in my family? there are 3 people in my family.

there are many trees in our town.

how many eggs are there in the tree? there is one./there are five.

区别与what’s under the bed? there are some footballs.

there isn’t any water and air on mars.

is there any flour in the bowl? yes, there is./no, there isn’t.


the rice smells lovely.

a bowl of rice一碗米饭:


如:a piece of bread/*****, a bowl of flour, a bottle of water, a cup of tea, two cups of coffee.当然表示数量的词组也可以修饰可数名词,如:

a pair of shoes/socks 。

此外,some表一些,a lot of/lots of 表很多后加可数名词复数和不可数名词。many表很多后+可数名词复数,much表很多后+不可数名词。


标志词:yesterday, the day before yesterday, …ago, last…过去的某一时间。



如何度过上个假期或有趣的事where did you go in the summer vacation? i went to hainan.

who went to hainan with you? lily went there with me.

how did you go there? i went there by plane/air/train.

it’s far from beijing.==be far (away)from 离…远。

what did you do there? i went shopping. i bought gifts for friends.

i ate delicious food. i went swimming. i took pictures/photos.

how did you feel? i felt very happy. i had a wonderful trip there.

如何度过上次生日i had a happy birthday party. i invited many friends. my parents bought me a cake.

i t was sweet and beautiful. i made a wish. i blew(吹blow的过去式) the candles.

we sang and danced. we laughed and laughed. i had a lot of fun.


描述学校一天what day was it? what was the weather like? what did you do?

how did you feel? 认真阅读提示句。

it was friday. it was a sunny day. i had a class.

i played sports with classmates on the play ground. we had a basketball game. it was exciting.

at last, my team won the game. i was very happy. i had a good day at school.


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第九章动词及时态。歙县北岸学校王秋芬。教学重点和难点1.动词的分类及用法2.动词的形式及变化情况3.动词的时态及用法教学过程 1.复习动词的分类及用法。实义动词,联系动词,助动词和情态动词。考点精炼。2.动词的形式及变化情况。动词的五种基本形式 原形 第三人称单数 现在分词 过去式 过去分词 以do...


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