名校六年级期末复习阅读理解练习试卷英语试题及 含答案

发布 2020-07-25 08:34:28 阅读 8236

1. once, a chinese student went to study english in england. his family name is sun. it is the same as the english word "sun".

england is a country with bad weather. it is often cloudy or misty(有雾的), and it rains now and again, so the people there don't get much sunshine in the whole year.

when the chinese student arrives in london, a tall english policeman with a long face opens his passport to check it. the policeman is interested to find the chinese name "sun" in the passport. he thinks it is pronounced(发音)just like the english word "sun", so he said to the chinese student, "i see your name is sun.

you are wanted here! "

the chinese student is very surprised. -but after a moment the policeman begins to smile, "mr. sun, you've brought sunshine to england!

so we don't want you to go away! "

1.the weather in england is

b and c

2.englishmen likevery much because of the bad weather.

students country

3.the policeman checks the student's

card ticket

4.the chinese student was welcomed because he had got

nice name good passport money

5.the sentence "you are wanted" means

are not welcome to come here don't like you

want to h**e some names don't want you to go away

6.the policeman was aman.







1.细节理解题。根据it is often cloudy or misty, and it rains now and again,可知,英国的天气经常多云或有雾,而且还时常下雨;故答案选d。

2.推理判断题。根据so the people there don't get much sunshine in the whole year. 所以那里的人们一整年都没有多少阳光。

以及"mr. sun, you've brought sunshine to england! so we don't want you to go away!


3.细节理解题。根据when the chinese student arrives in london, a tall english policeman with a long face opens his passport to check it.可知,警察检查了学生的护照,故答案选b。

4.细节理解题。根据he thinks it is pronounced just like the english word "sun",以及"mr. sun, you've brought sunshine to england!

so we don't want you to go away! "警察认为这名学生的中文名字“孙”和英语单词“sun”发音一样,所以警察说:“孙先生,你给英国带来了阳光!


5.词句猜测题。根据上文he thinks it is pronounced just like the english word "sun",他认为它的发音就像英语单词“sun”一样,以及下文"mr. sun, you've brought sunshine to england!

so we don't want you to go away! "孙先生,你给英国带来了阳光!所以我们不想让你离开!

”结合"i see your name is sun. you are wanted here! "可知警察说:


6.推理判断题。根据but after a moment the policeman begins to smile, "mr. sun, you've brought sunshine to england!

so we don't want you to go away! "可知,这位警察和孙先生开了一个玩笑,由此可推知这位警察是一位幽默的人,故答案选a。

2.mum gives little tom ten yuan.then little tom goes shopping.he gets on the bus and sits down next to an old woman.then he sees the old woman’s handbag is open.there is ten yuan in it.he quickly looks into his pocket.the money isn’t here now! little tom is sure that the old woman is a thief(小偷).he decides(决定) to take back the money from the old woman’s bag.he carefully puts his hand into the old woman’s bag, takes the money and says nothing.suddenly(突然地) the old woman shouts, ‘where is my money? i can’t find it.there is a thief on the bus.

” little tom feels strange(奇怪的).then he sees ten yuan under his seat.little tom is thinking a question now, “am i a thief?”

1is sitting beside little tom.

a.a young woman b.an old woman c.a young man d.an old man

2.little tom sees __in the old woman’s handbag.

a.a wallet b.a packet c.ten yuan d.ten dollars

3.little tom is sure that the old woman is a __

a.thief b.teacher c.rich woman d.poor woman

4.little tom sees __ten yuan under his seat.

a.his own b.the old woman’s c.the thief’s d.the driver’s

5.which of the following is right?

a.little tom is a bad boy. b.little tom often steals(偷) things.

c.mum gives little tom twenty yuan. d.little tom makes a mistake(错误)





试题分析:这篇短文讲述的是tom在公交车上看到挨着他的老太太包里有10元钱,而他自己的 10元钱恰好不见了,他就以为是那个老太太偷了他的。原来他的钱掉在了座位下面,他弄错了。

1.b 细节理解题。根据短文中he gets on the bus and sits down next to an old woman可知,tom上了一辆公共汽车,坐在一个老太太的旁边。由此可知选b。

2.c 细节理解题。根据短文中then he sees the old woman’s bag is open. there is ten yuan in it.





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