
发布 2020-07-25 07:28:28 阅读 1131



be 动词使用规则】

1.一般现在时使用am is are, i 后用am, you,复数名吃后用are, 第三人称单数、单数名词、不可数名词后用is;

2.一般过去时使用was were, i、第三人称单数、单数名词、不可数名词后用was, 第二人称,第三人称复数、复数名词后用were;

3.一般将来时使用shall/will be, 第一人称用shall/will be, 其他人称后使用will be.

一、 用动词be的三种时态填空。

fathera worker. monkeys.

sisterpretty and kind4. i___sick.

fatherback tomorrow.

here. he___here five minutes ago.

7those jim’s pencils? 8it friday yesterday?

fang __ten years old. she __a pupil.

boys___in the classroom yesterday morning.


is a new student.

teacher was ill yesterday.

brother will be a teacher.

boys were late yesterday morning.

5. these books are interesting.

wei will be ten next month.


)1. isorry for her.

a . aren’t b. isn’t c. am not d. amnot

)2. tom and iin the same class.

a. am b. are c. be d. is

)3. weat work yesterday afternoon.

a. are b. were c. been d. being

)4. you __a student and i am a student, too.

a. am b. is c. was

) shall___at home around six o’clock.

a. being b. been c. be d. are

)6you good at boating?

a. aren’t b. don’t c. do d. will

) student last year.

a. isn’t b. is c. wasn’t d. were

)8. she___an english teacher next year.

a. will is be c. is d. will

)9. they __late for school yesterday.

a. were b, are c. was d. will be

)10marry and tom in class one?

a. is d. will

)11tom’s brother be a teacher?

a. is b, are c. was

)12their teacher ill two days ago?

a. are b. is c. were d. was

)13.-is that a red apple

a. no, that isn’t. b. no, it isn’t.

c. yes, that isd. yes, isn’t.

)14. –are those picture books yours

a. yes, those are. b. no, those aren’t.

c. yes, they ared. no, they are yours.

) itfine tomorrow?

a. isb. was c. be d. shall be

)16our monitor busy with his homework now?

a. is b. was c. are d. were

)17he interested in maths?

a. doesn’t b. isn’t c. does

)18. his parents___very strict with him.

a. are b. is c. will d. isn’t

)19.—are these yours

a. be b. is c. was d. will be


1. 你是医生吗you a

2. 我们的城市很美。 _cityvery

3. 杰克的自行车在房间里bike___in the room.

4. 我昨天没有回到。 ilate yesterday.

5. 这些是玛丽的铅笔吗mary’s pencils?

6.他明天回来。 heback tomorrow.

7. 你们的老师不在这儿teacherhere.

8. 去年他5岁。 hefiveold last year.

9. 小李和小王昨天上午在教室里。 xiao li and xiao wangin the classroom yesterday

10.下个月我15岁了。 ififteen next

参***。一、1. is 2.

are 3. are 4. am 5.

will be 6. isn’t 7. are 8.

was 9. is is 10. were

二、 1. is tom a new student? tom isn’t a new student.

2. was their teacher ill yesterday? their teacher wasn’t ill yesterday.

amy’s brother l be a teacher. amy’s brother won’t be a teacher.

the boy late yesterday morning? the boy weren’t late yesterday morning.


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