
发布 2020-07-25 06:09:28 阅读 9451

___forty students in my class .

___some water in the glass.

5. there __any bread on the table.

6. there __two pens and a book on the desk.

___a book and two pens on the desk.


often __hiking on the weekend.

___hiking last month.

yifang usually __the room on the weekend.

father __tea last night.

5. what did you do last night? i __badminton with my brothers.

___his homework every day.

7. i __to school on foot yesterday.

五、看到than要用比较级,没有比较的,不能用比较级,as …as 中间用原级。

1. it’s __hot) in summer in zhanjiang than in beijing.

2. the cat is much __big) than the mouse.

isthin), your mother or your father?

___are you? i am 45 kg.

___is your friend? she is 12 years old.

mother is as __old) as my father.


1. the girl is the __short) in the class.

black dog is __he**y) than that black one. it is the __he**y).

3. tom is the __tall) .

七、找不同要懂得单词的意思和词性 (不同的那个请划线)

1. month year week last ski swim football

3. trip quiet easy fresh went washed want

5. tell tall talk look6. long longer thinner fatter

next before big did went could

八、比较级的改法:1.加er 2.辅音字母加y,把y改i,加er

3.双写加er 4.多音节词前面加more 5.熟记不规则的。

改比较级: good___big___thin __hot___sad___bad___he**y___


九、be动词的变化 am is are was were

1. i __short before. but now i __tall.

2. he __shorter than me before. but now he __taller than me.

3. how __you ? i __fine.

4. yesterday __rainy. today __sunny.

5. we __happy on our holiday.

6. how __your holiday

十、to 的后面动词用原型。

1. i want to __a new dictionary.

are going to __at home tomorrow.

十一、with 和and 的用法。

翻译: 1. 上个星期,我和我哥哥一起在公园里骑单车。




1. your feet are bigger thani ).

2. my hair is longer thanamy).

3. my bag is he**ier than __your).

4. _she) school is more beautiful than __they).


1. we took pictures of the beautiful countryside. (注意of的用法)

2. we saw lots of grapes there. (lots of = a lot of 许多)

3. can i see your pictures sometime?

4. how was your weekend? it was good. (问假期,回答要用it)

5. it talked about a lot of new films. (talk about 谈论)

6. was it interesting? yes, it was. (be动词问,be动词答)

7. thank you for staying in our hotel. (for的后面动词要要用ing形式)

8. how big are your shoes? (how big 多大)

9. my bag is bigger than yours. (yours 名词性物主代词)

10. we are all different now. (all 全部)

11. we looked it up on the internet . look it up 查找)

12. there was only one school building in my old school. (only 仅仅)

13. did you do anything else?

14. that is the smallest dog . 最高级前要加the)

十。四、作文 weekend 2. my family change



姓名班级。一 时态。一 一般现在时态。一般现在时态表示包括现在时间在内的一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态,表示习惯性或客观存在的事实和真理。常与often always usually sometimes every day等连用。基本句型分为两种情况 主语 非第三人称 动词原形 其他。例句 w...


基础部分 一 形容词 副词的比较级。知识梳理 1 形容词和副词的区别 形容词作定语时放在被修饰名词前,做表语时放在系动词的后面。副词在句中作状语时,一般放在所修饰的动词的后面。2 形容词和副词的比较级的构成。1 一般情况下,在词尾加er,如 short shorter,low lower。2 末尾以...


一 不规则动词过去式 am,is was are were buy bought can could come came clean cleaned eat ate do did draw drew drink drank feel felt fly flew give g e get got go...