
发布 2020-07-11 02:55:28 阅读 7333


而本课时的教学既有turn left,turn right等表示左右的词汇,又有east, south, west, north等表示东、南、西、北的词汇,学生学习运用起来会比较吃力。

因此,在设计本堂课的时候,本人把east, south, west, north 四个词移到下一课let’s talk中去教学,而在本课中增加了crossing,要求学生基本学会用go straight,turn left at the first crossing, go straight on, turn left at the traffic lights, it’s on your left等语言来指路。

2.教学内容词汇:turn left,turn right,go straight,crossing句型:go straight,turn left at the first crossing, go straight on, turn left at the traffic lights, it’s on your left3.教学目标(1)知识目标:

①能够听、说、认读词汇:turn left,turn right,go straight,crossing②能够听、说、认读句型:go straight,turn left at the first crossing, go straight on, turn left at the traffic lights, it’s on your left(2)能力目标:




4.教学重点、难点(1)教学重点:①能够听、说、认读词汇:turn left,turn right,go straight,crossing②能够听、说、认读句型:

go straight,turn left at the first crossing, go straight on, turn left at the traffic lights, it’s on your left(2)教学难点:使学生能够分清左右,并能正确指路。




二、教学过程:step 1: warm-up (2’)介绍教室场景:

t: today, our classroom is a small town. this is a post office.

here is a bank. …are you clear?ss:



listen and now, please listen and do. touch your nose. touch your eye.

…发令速度渐快)touch your right ear. touch your left ear. touch your right eye.


step 2: presentation教学新词汇:turn left, turn right, go straight(1)随着听做活动的继续,新的教学内容开始呈现:

t: stand up, please. show me your right hand.

turn right. show me your left hand. turn left.

go straight. (2’)(2)当学生基本上能按照老师的口令做动作之后,请两个学生试着发令,教师跟其他学生一起做动作。

(2’)(3)多**一一呈现表示左转、右转、直行的**,教师问:what does it mean?,学生一一作答,教师呈现词汇,并让学生以各种形式认读新词汇。


教学新词汇:crossing(1)游戏:find the treasure (2’)t:

(教师拿出一个宝盒)now, let’s play a game: find the treasure. ok?

ss: who wants to find the treasure?(教师请一名学生上来,面对黑板,然后把宝盒藏到小镇的某一个地方。

)t: now, please listen. turn left, go straight, turn left, go straight, turn right…(直到找到宝盒)(2)教学新词汇:

crossing (3’)当该学生找到宝盒之后,请他打开看看里面有什么宝贝。

t: what’s in the treasure box? open it and it’s a what does it say?

s1: it says: find the near the bank.

find the 教师通过投影,指着十字路口的图形)what does it mean?(多**出示十字路口图形和单词,教师领读并让学生以小组形式齐读。

)t: how many crossings are there in our town?ss:

where is the bank?s2: it’s how can i get to the crossing?

ss: you turn right, go straight, turn left, go straight…t: who can help me go to the crossing and find the treasure?



)can you find the treasure?s3: it’s an open it and it’s a *****, too.

it says: find the near the bookstore. it’s under the .

t:(教师通过投影,指着交通灯的图形)what does it mean?(多**出示交通灯图形和单词,教师领读并抽部分学生读。

)t: how many traffic lights are there in our town?ss:

where is the bookstore?s4: it’s how can i get to the traffic lights?

ss: you turn left, go straight, turn right, go straight…t: who can help me go to the traffic lights and find the treasure?


t:(学生在交通灯下面找出宝藏)what is the treasure? (教师接过宝藏,在投影中展示)it is from air china, free tickets to the wow!

t: what a surprise! do you want to go to the usa?

ss: but you h**e to pass a test first. look at the tasks, group 1, 2 and 3 finish task one.


)task example:now, you are at the hotel. you turn left at the hotel gate, go straight, turn right at the2.



学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考。pep小学英语六年级下册教学案例unit 3 b let s read 一 学生特点分析 1 本班学生大约13 14岁,活泼好动,好奇心强,有较强的模仿能力和听说能力,对英语有较浓的兴趣。2 本班学生从三年级开始学英语,已有一定的基础,能唱30多首英文歌曲,能听 说 认...


英语课堂教学设计。what are you doing?一 教学内容分析 1 主要语言项目为i m going to we they are going to he she is going to 围绕 谈论周末计划 展开的。出现的主要句型是学生以前没有学过的。学生理解和掌握这一功能句型以及这些短语...


pep小学英语六年级下册unit 3教学案例设计。教材分析 一 教学目标与要求 1 能够听 说,认读let sread部分的短文。2 能够根据课文内容完成短文后的练习。3 在小组合作学习中培养学生的合作意识及良好的阅读习惯 正确的阅读技巧。二 教学重点 难点 1 教学重点是能理解并会朗读let sr...