
发布 2020-05-27 15:10:28 阅读 8580

unit1 talking about the summer vacation

summer vacation 暑假go to sp去某地。

stay in china 待在中国stay at home 待在家里。

visit the summer palace 参观颐和园visit the great wall参观长城。

watch tv 看电视take some photos照相。

do one’s homework 做作业play the piano 弹钢琴。

play football 踢足球climb a mountain 爬山。

climb the mountains 爬山go swimming 去游泳。

go camping 去野营listen to music 听**。

learn english学英语play chess下棋。

were you in the summer vaction ? 你暑假去了**?

i went to我去…..

i stay in china我待在中国。

i stay at home我待在家里。

you h**e a good time there ? 你玩得开心吗?

sure . in the moning当然。在早晨…..

in the afternoon在下午…..

in the evening在晚上…..

unit2 housework

make one’s bed 整理床铺clean one’s room打扫房间。

wash one’s clothes洗衣服do some shopping购物。

clean the table擦桌子sweep the floor扫地。

water the flowers浇花do housework 做家务。

you clean your room in the past ? 以前你有自己整理房间吗?

yes , i did . no , i didn’t是的,我有。/不,我没有。

you clean your room now现在你自己整理房间吗?

yes , i do . no , i don’t是的,我有。/不,我没有。

3. in the past her grandma made my bed . 以前她奶奶帮她整理床铺。

now she makes my bed现在她自己整理床铺。

unit3getting ready for a trip

a visit to …什么之旅stay at a nice hotel 待在一个很棒的旅馆。

see the mountains 欣赏山峰 see the waterfalls欣赏瀑布。

go on a raft trip 乘竹筏漂流 vist the summer palace 参观颐和园。

see the flowers欣赏花朵see the river and mountains 游山玩水。

swim in the sea 在海里游泳。

will you go for the holidays? 你将去哪儿度假?

i will go towuyishan) 我将去武夷山度假。

i will visit ….

will you do there你将在哪儿做什么?

i willsee the mountains) 我将在那儿欣赏山峰。

3. it will be sunny and hot in hainan on nov. 10th .


unit 4 on holiday

what 问内容。

when 问时间。

how 问方式。

where 问地点。

who 问人物。

how old 问年龄。

where did you go for the holidays ? 你去了**度假?

i went to我去了……

what did you do there你在那儿做了什么?

i went to see the mountains我在那儿欣赏山峰。

when did you come back你什么时候回来的?

on oct . 3rd十月三号。

unit 5 daily schedule

get up 起床h**e breakfast吃早餐 go to school去上学。

get to school 到达学校 go home回家get home 到达家 h**e lunch 吃午餐 h**e dinner吃晚餐go to bed 去睡觉。

be good at 擅长sportexercise

1. when do you usually get up ? 你通常几点起床?

i usually get up at 6:30 . 我通常6:30起床。

2. li hong usually goes to school at 7:00. 李红通常7点去学校。

but this morning she went to school at 8:00. she was late for school .


3. he looks strong and healthy .他看起来又强壮又健康。

is good at sports / running / swimming .他擅长运动。/跑步/游泳/


unit 6 food and health

talk about 讨论 a good diet 一个好的饮食习惯。



可数: dumpinghotcakeegg

vegetableice cream bananaapple




1. what did you h**e for breakfast this morning / today ? 今天你早餐吃了什么?

i had milk , bread and some eggs . 我吃了牛奶,面包和鸡蛋。

2. what do you usually h**e for lunch ? 午餐你通常吃什么?

i h**e noodles and dumplings . 我通常吃面条和饺子。

3. that’s not a good diet .那不是一个好的饮食习惯。


unit 7 thanksgiving

4th thursday of november .

do you spend it ?

we h**e a big family dinner .we invite friend to join us .

do you usually h**e for thanksgiving .

corn , turkey , yams ,pumpkin pie , fruit juice and vegetables .

4. p62,p64 看,记。

me___please .请递给我…..

you like some turkey ? yes, please . no, thank you .

你想来点火鸡吗好的,请。 不了,谢谢。

unit 8 thanksgiving

1. the story of the thanksgiving p69~70

2. p70 星期 ,月份季节背。

3. 感叹句。

look . this is a /an __

what a / an +形容词+ 单数可数名词。


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