
发布 2020-05-27 09:24:28 阅读 7096




)1. bed let2. often comb ( 3. supper put

)4. tea reach5. three there


1.strong (反义词2. buy (过去式)__3. sit (现在分词)__

4. wake(现在分词5. before(反义词。

6. tooth (复数)__7. meat (同音词)__8. our (同音词)__

9. many (比较级10. low(反义词)__

11. win(反义词12. teach(过去式13. next(对应词14. easy(副词。

15. these(单数。


1. bob is___健康的)and __强壮的).

2. how often do you锻炼)in a week?

3. there are sixty___分钟)in an hour.

4. i brush my___牙齿)everyday.

5. jenny’s___**)is white.

6. our classroom is very___干净的).

7. jenny___梳)her hair every day.

8. my brother and i work very___刻苦)

you h**e a pair of___运动鞋)?

ming can’t go to school, because he is___有病的).


四、 ) 1. it’s raining outside. please give me umbrella.

a. a b. an c. two

) 2. li ming___something at the store yesterday.

a. bought b. thought c. buy

) 3. do you like this t-shirt___that t-shirt?

a. and b. as c. or

) 4. i buy a___of runners and a hat___kim.

a. pairs…for b. pair…to c. pair…for

) 5. i’m very __so i’m strong.

a. health b. healthy c. weak

) 6. i think this toy is jim’s. please give __to __

a. it; he b. its; him c. it; him

) 7. i often go to school from monday___friday

a. tob. onc. of

) 8. she always brushes her teeth___supper.

) 9. i don’t like___cakes. i like___bread.

a. some; any b. any; some c. a; a

) 10. he wanted___basketball with a ping-pong ball!

a. to playing b. play c. to play

) 11. _do you eat rice? three times a day.

a. how many b. how much c. how often

) 12. sixty minutes___an hour.

a. dob. make c. makes

) 13. i usually walk __home at 6:00 in the evening.

a .tob. atc./

( )14. li ming is one of my best __

a. friends b. friend c. the friends

) 15. here___some good food.

a. are b. am c. is


what how much where who when

1is the bag? —twenty yuan.

2is that woman? —miss tang.

3did he eat breakfast? —on tuesday at about 7:30.

4do you need? —i need some water.

5are you from? —i’m from china.


1. look! thesechild) are playing football.

2. jenny oftenwatch) tv on sunday.

3. eating donuts is bad for your __healthy).

4ride) a bike is exercise.

5. he can (draw) a picture.

6. i usually h**e a walk __two) a day.

7. do you usually help __you) family?

8. how manyminute) in a day?

9. good food __make) your body healthy.

10. sixty minutes make __a) hour.


1. the socks are five dollars.( 对划线部分提问)

2. do , how , eat , often , you , onions (?连词成句)

3. i eat vegetables three times a day. (对划线部分提问)

4. mike often does his homework at 8:00 pm.(变一般疑问句)

5. they are good for you.(变为否定句)

6. this is an onion.(变为复数形式)

7. i work hard at school.(用kim作主语改写句子)

8. after, do, what, do, you, supper ( 连词成句)

9. she puts on her clothes.(用现在进行时改写句子)

10. there are some birds in the sky.(变为一般疑问句)


) 1. how many minutes do you walk?

) 2. how much exercise do you need?

) 3. what do you do after breakfast?

) 4. how often do you play basketball?

) 5. do you want to be strong?

a. i need about twenty minutes.

b. yes, i do.

c. about five minutes.

d. three times a week.

e. i usually go to school.



六年级英语第一单词基础知识测试题。姓名班级 一,根据汉语默写下列的单词17分。1.有魔力的2.聪明的3.愚蠢的。4.穿过5.笑,大笑6.穿。7.讲,叙述8.每个9.说。10.句子11.迅速的12.下一个。13.小的,年幼的14.机会15.想,思考。16.努力地17.孩子。二,根据英语和汉语的词组10...


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