
发布 2020-05-27 09:11:28 阅读 2269


姓名班级:一, 根据汉语默写下列的单词17分。















) visited my parents one day.

a ,man b mans c men

) his new clothes yesterday.

a, show b,showed c,showing

) king isn’t___any clothes in the city

a,wearing b,wear c, wroe

)4. the new dress___you very well.

a, fit b,fits c,fitting

) was a small house___the mountain.

a, in b, on c, under

) you___new clothes __me?

a, make, to b,make, for, c, do, at

)7. my little cousin___her grandparents.

a, lives with b, lives c, lives in

)8. i can___the flowers very well.

a, look for b, look after c, look at

) behind jack, so jack is___me.

a, beside b, under c, in front of

) a lot of people in the street yesterday.

a, was b, isc,are



i canthis sick lion very much.

2. 那天,一个小男孩指着这本书大笑。

on that day, a little boythe book and___


these clothes __yes, they __well.


her fathera___


i canclothes __my dolls.


the kingthe city __his new clothe.


1. i___am) a nice girl ten years ago.

2. three weeks ago, wewalk) to school

3. whereare) you last night?

4. thereis) a foolish man many years ago.

5. my fatherlike) the old photo last year.

6. yangshow) su hai her new dress yesterday afternoon.

7. the girlslaugh) at the doll now.

8. the boy iswear) a white t—shirt.

9. long long ago, therebe) two foolish men.

10. let’s __start) our english lesson now.


左栏右栏。 ) do you spend your weekends? a,they’re running.

) are you fromb, i often go shopping.

) you like that boyc, i like spring.

) are they doingd, no, i don’t.

) season do you like? e, i’m from austrlia.

八阅读短文,判断正(t)误(f). 10分)

a young man is sitting in a bus. an old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him. the young man stands up.

the old woman pushes(推)him back into his seat and says, “don’t stand up. i don’t want to sit down.” the man stands up again.

the old woman pushes him down and says, “you don’t h**e to give ma your seat. i like to stand.” the man tries to stand up for the third time.

the old woman tries to push him down again. the man shouts, “don’t push me, please. i h**e to get off the bus!

”) 1. the young man and woman are different buses.

) 2. the young man is standing in the bus.

) 3. the old woman pushes the young man back into his seat.

) 4. the old woman likes to stand.

) 5. the young man stands up because he has to get off the bus.


mrs. jones was a teacher. her house was not far from her school, and she often walked there in the morning.

all the students in the school were very young.

one cold and windy morning in october, mrs. jones walked to school. the cold wind went into her eyes and big tears (泪) began to run out of them.

she reached (到达) the school, opened the door and went into the classroom.

it was nice, warm there and mrs. jones was happy. but then a small boy looked at her for some time, put his arms round her and said (说):

don’t cry, mrs. jones. school isn’t very bad.

”choose the right answer. 根据短文,选择正确答案。

) 1. mrs. jones was a teacher and she usually went to school __a.

on foot b. by train c. by bus d.

by bike

) 2. _when she went to school one morning.


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