
发布 2020-05-27 09:33:28 阅读 7991


1、acc___nt a. ou b. uo c. oa

k_g,^_t0^+p_q,m n0 菏泽信息港社区门户c_]"m_b8k、 2、bookst___a. or b. ore c.

ure )u_@5n*p!*s+a_`_3. 3

、c__m__c a. e,i b. o,u c. o,i

o!0二 、填空(5×2分) 菏泽信息港社区门户+r)l_[4h i_\.l'a

菏泽信息港社区门户3b_p_o+w ^&s u l_\0+k_i;0 菏泽信息港社区门户 f_u6?8[_x_y_t7w5. his mother (a:

wear / b: wears) a black coat.


animals arecall)dinosaurs.

manget)water from the river nearby.

really enjoyedvisit)peking man’s home .

sisterbe)born in 1973.

5. many people goshop) on sundays.


)1. i hadegg and a glass of milk for my breakfast yesterday.

a. a b. the c. an

)2. i went toa movie last week .

a. look b. see c. watch

)3. her father was bornthe same day her mother.

a. in……with b at……as c on……as

)4. mimi was very angry micky.

a. tob. on c. with

)5. liyan is good at

a. swim b. swimming c. swims

)6. there is a big windowthe wall.

a. on b. under c .in

)7. there are visitors coming to visit beijing every year.

a. million b. hundred of c. thousands of

)8. the book is veryi’m in it.

a. interested, interested b. interesting, interested c. interested, interesting

)9. would you like of tea?

a. some b. any cups c. some cups

)10. would you like to come to my party?

a. i’d better. b. i’d love to. c. i’d love.

)11. what’s the first day in a week ? it’s

a. sunday b. saturday c. monday

)12.--would you like a bottle of orange

a. here you are. b. no, please. c. yes, please.

)13. new york is one of the cities in america.

a. smallest b. bigger c. biggest

)14. ito school when i six .

a. come, was b. came, is c. came, was

)15. we shouldn’t cut downtrees and waste water.

a. too many, too many b. too many, too much c. too much, too many

)16. you should turnthe lights when we le**e the room .

a. onb. toc. off

)17. what’s the english for 6:10 ? it’s

a. six past ten b. six ten c. ten six

)18. the box is tooi can’t carry it .

a. bigb. light c. he**y

)19. bob went to visit the great wall __his parents.

a. andb with c. for

)20 --excuse meis the nearest shop?

go straight along this street, and then turn right.

a. where b. how c. what


) to our schoola. you are welcome .


六年级英语第一单词基础知识测试题。姓名班级 一,根据汉语默写下列的单词17分。1.有魔力的2.聪明的3.愚蠢的。4.穿过5.笑,大笑6.穿。7.讲,叙述8.每个9.说。10.句子11.迅速的12.下一个。13.小的,年幼的14.机会15.想,思考。16.努力地17.孩子。二,根据英语和汉语的词组10...


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