
发布 2020-05-27 11:25:28 阅读 9724




综合评价。听力部分 40%

一、 听选单词。(将你听到单词的序号写在相应题号后面的横线上。每个单词读两遍,每小题1分,共10分)


a. slow down and stop at a yellow light. b. i’m going to buy a new comic book.

c. how do you come to schoold. what are you going to do tomorrow?

e. where is the museum shopf. how can you get there?

g. i must pay attention to the traffic lights.


)'s not far. b. i can go by bike. c. it's near the park.

) afternoon. b. it’s on the first floor. c. i’m going to buy some books.

)3. go by subway. b. i go by plane. c. i go by bike.

)4. it isb. no, it isc. yes, she is.

) i'm going to buy a comic book. b. i'm going to buy a post card.

四、listen and fill(听录音,填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整,每空一词。每句话读两遍)(5分。)

1. what are you going totonight? a story book.

2. we mustat a yellow light.

3. where is theit's near the cinema.

4. how do you go to hong kong ? i go by

5. turnat the hospital, you can see it.

五、listen and judge(听短文,判断句子的对错, 对的打“√”错的打“×”短文读三遍)(10分)

) 1. chen jie is going to the baijia supermarket.

) 2. the baijia supermarket is near the cinema.

) 3. the bookstore is on flower street.

) 4. sarah can go to the supermarket by the no.36 bus.

) 5. sarah is going to buy an english dictionary.

笔试部分 60%


1) museum, hospital

2) bus, plane

3) morning, afternoon

4) dictionary, comic book

5) see a film, visit my grandparents



)1is the library?

it is on the third floor.

a. whatb. whoc. where

)2right at the bookstore.

a. gob. walkc. turn

)3. how can i get __the hospital?

)4. sometimes i come to school

a. by a busb. by bus

)5. he goes to school __foot?

a. onb. byc. with

)6. -mr jones, how can i get to the zoo?

the no.45 bus over there.

a. takeb. getc. h**e

)7. _is amy going to do tomorrow

whatc. why

)8. i’m going toan art lesson .

a. h**eb. hasc. h**ing

)9. my aunt __going to make mooncakes .

a. areb. doc. is

)10are you going?

a. whatb. wherec. who

四、read and choose(阅读对话,根据上下文,选择正确的句子,把字母编号填在相应的横线上。)(10分)

a. where is the post office? b. how can i get there? c. thank you very much.

d. what are you going to do there? e. is it far from here?

a: excuse me

b: it's near the bookstore.

ab:yes ,it is .

ab: you can go by the no.302 off at the hospital,and then turn left .

ba:i'm going to buy a post card,and send it to my cousin.

ab:you're welcome.



tomorrow is jie isn't going to is going to get up early. in the morning, he is going to visit a science 's going there by 's going to h**e lunch in mcdonald's. in the afternoon, he is going to play football with his friends.

at about 3:30,he is going home to do he is going to clean his 's going to cook the meals for his father and mother in the evening.


六年级英语。姓名分数 一 根据单词的汉语意思,写出正确的单词。每题1分,共20分 1 水稻,米饭2 居住,生活3 同意。4 窗户5 安全的6 火车。7 蚂蚁8 世界9 云。10 高的11 明亮的12 地球。13 升起14 东方15 夜晚。16 停止17 突然18 通常。19 从不20 疲劳的,厌倦的...


东宋门学区小学六年级英语测试题 共80分 一 按要求写出下列单词。10分 tooth 复数wake 现在分词 teach 过去式swim 过去式 羽毛球 汉译英。二 选择正确答案,将其序号写在提前括号里。20分 1 doyouwantthese those?a andb orc but 2 yest...


发布时间 2010 2 19 齐鲁家教网。采编 济南家教中心。被阅览数 76次。tags 济南家教。济南家教中心。山东家教。分类 小学试题。小升初试题。简介 笔试部分 一 选出划线部分读音不同的单词。1 a baby b take c dayd,cat 2 a fly b whyc yellow d...