
发布 2020-05-29 07:25:28 阅读 4353



)1. get toa. 向左转。

)2 .turn leftb. 下车。

)3. get offc. 直走。

)4. go straightd. 与 … 相邻。

)5. next toe. 一双。

)6. a pair off. 一起来。

)7. come togetherg. 加油。

)8. come onh. 来自 … 从 … 来。

)9. come fromi. 放学以后。

)10. after schoolj. 到达。


) 1. a. bus b. ship c. bike d. book

) 2. a. red light light light light

) 3. a. beijing b. canada c. england d. go

) 4. a. stop b. go d. light


) 1.— how do you go to canada? —i go

a. by the plane b. on the plane c. by plane d. on plane

) 2is there a cinema near here?

a. excuse me b. sorry c. thank you d. excuse

) 3. how can izhongshan park?

a. get off b. get to c. get d. get on

) 4.— thank you very much

a. ok b. don't thank me c. you're welcome d. yes

) 5do you go to school?

a. how b. what c. where d. who

)6. the hospital is __the left. a. for b. in c. on

)7. walk straight___three minutes. a. at b. for c. in

) 8. stop___a red lighta. for b. on c. at

) 9. green light meansa. go b. wait c. stop

) 10. wait at a___lighta. red b. green c. yellow

)11. the science museum is __the left. a. on c. in d. for

) park is __front of our school. a. on b. in c. at d. under

)13. look __the traffic lights. a. on b. in c. at d. for

)14. i’m going to the cinema __this weekend.

a. on b. in c. at d. /

)15. i’m going to the supermarke __my mom.

a. for b. of c. with d. and


1. do, how, to, you, go, school

2. foot , i, to, usually, school, go, on

3. a, at, light, stop, red

the, cinema, is

what, this, do, evening, to, you, going

五、句子搭配,从b部分中找出正确答案,把序号填在括号里。 (15分)

ab )1、how do you go to schoola. it’s near the post office.

)2、where is the book storeb. i go to school by bike.

)3、how can i get to the hospital? c. i’m going to the cinema.

)4、what are you going to dod. you can go by the no.2 bus.

)5、thank youe. you are welcome.


)1、当你想向别人问路的时候,你应该先说,a. excuse me. b. i’m sorry.

)2、当你告诉别人向左拐时应说,a.turn left. straight.


a.come here and join us.

b.please come to my twelfth birthday party.

c.thank you for all coming.


a.how can i get to the cinemab.it's very far.

c.where is the cinema?

( )5.当你想问别人明天想干什么时,你该怎样说?

a. what are you going to do tomorrow ?

b. where are you going to do ?

c. i’m going to the bookstore.

七、阅读理解。 (每小题2分, 共10分)


hi, this is chen jie. i’m going to h**e a busy weekend! on saturday, i’m going to the bookstore by taxi .

i’m going to buy a new cd, a dictionary and some story books. then, i’m going to go home and read the new books. on sunday, i’m going to the shoe store with my friend.

we’re going after lunch. then, in the evening, i’m going to the gym with my mom. we’re going to play ping-pong together.

i will h**e a nice weekend!

( )1. chen jie is going to the bookstore by bus .

( )2. chen jie is going to buy a new cd and some picture-books.

( )3. chen jie is going to go home and read the new books.

( )4. on saturday, chen jie is going to the shoe store..

( )5. in the evening, chen jie is going to play ping-pong..


1 词组英汉互译。5 1.去散步 old as 3.善于 years older 5.想做得更好 to school 7.和 一样强壮 the third stop 9.在中山路 off the train 2 选择填空。15 1.a sunny morning,iwent to the park ...


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