
发布 2020-07-31 05:44:28 阅读 8749


space museumdictionaryinterestingdifferentbetter


) (1)what __peter do last weekend?a.doesb.did

) (2) mrs tang wants __the dirty washb.wash

) (3) anne didn’t h**e __money to buy the book .it is __enough() 4) the schoolbaga likeb.looks like

) (5)the dragon boat festival is___the fifth day of the fifth lunar

) (6) i h**e___milk than

) (7) what are you doinga. i am doing the dishes. b.i do the dishes.

()8)your bag is __than mine(我的).a.he**yb.he**ier.

) (9) fairy tales are __stories

a.the most interestingb.least interesting.()10) you good at___a. swimmingb. swim

三、从b栏中找出与a栏中相对应的答语,并把序号写在括号里。(10分)()1. what are you good at?

a. they are thirty yuan .(2.

h**e you got enough money?b. do more exercises.

()3. how much are these book?c.

i’m good at reading.()4. i’m too fat.

what can i do?d. they watched a film.

()5. what did peter and his mother do last sunday?e.

yes please.


1) watch a film2) good idea3) more4) good at



1) my brother is更强壮的)and更重的)than me.(2) i feel sick. i感冒了).

3) some students are watching a football match. they are very兴奋的).(4) did you go to the公园) yesterday?

(5) i’mswimming2.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1) i'mthin) than you, but my head isbig) than yours(你的).(2) last weekend igo swim) with my mother.(3) zhang pengread) a funny story book last night.

(4) tom is sick. heh**e) a bad headache.(5) anne canspeak) english.




9)thin(比较级10) good(比较级。


the bus stopped at the bus stop. a young mother and her child got on the bus. they sat down nextto the window.

the conductor came to them for the tickets. the young mother said, "one ticket torenminpark."theconductorlookedatthelittlechildandaskedhim,"howoldareyou,myboy?

"the mother wanted to say something, but the conductor stopped her. the little boysaid loudly,"momsaysi'mfiveyearsoldathomeandthreeatthebus."allofthepassengersinthebuslaughed.

注释:sat --sit的过去式conductor --售票员ticket --票。

loudly --大声地passenger --乘客。

一)判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致,一致的在括号里写“t”,不一致的写“f”。(1. the young woman is the child's mother.

()2. they sat next to the doctor.

) 3. the young mother wanted to buy two tickets.

) 4. the little child is enough(足够的) tall for buying a ticket.(二)根据短文内容回答问题。

1. where did they want to go?

2. how many tickets did the conductor want the mother to buy3. what did the conductor ask the little child?

4. who answered(回答)the conductor?


六年级英语。姓名分数 一 根据单词的汉语意思,写出正确的单词。每题1分,共20分 1 水稻,米饭2 居住,生活3 同意。4 窗户5 安全的6 火车。7 蚂蚁8 世界9 云。10 高的11 明亮的12 地球。13 升起14 东方15 夜晚。16 停止17 突然18 通常。19 从不20 疲劳的,厌倦的...


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