2024年湖南卷听力试题 原文

发布 2020-05-19 21:51:28 阅读 8797


第一节。1.what does the man mean?

a. it will take about one month to repair the watch.

b. it costs too much to h**e the watch repaired.

c. the watch is no longer worth repairing

2.when will they get there for the play?

a. 9:00. b. 10:00. c. 10:30

3.why can’t the man concentrate on his study?

a. he keeps thinking of going to the movies.

b. his classmates are taking a break.

c. he’s been studying for too long

4.what is the man going to do?

a. go to the chinese restaurant.

b. watch the football game.

c. visit a friend downtown

5.what do you know about frank?

a. he will arrive in chicago this morning.

b. he will send ms. tyler an e-mail.

c. he will call ms. tyler himself





6.which part of the man’s body hurts?

a. an arm. b. an eye. c. an ear

7.what does the woman advise the man to do?

a. go to hospital at once.

b. stay away from the swimming pool.

c. get some medicine from the drugstore


8.what do you know about the woman?

a. she doesn’t believe the man’s excuse.

b. she’s been waiting far too long.

c. she’s really angry with the man

9.what does the man mean?

a. he got there in only five minutes.

b. he has a good reason for being late.

c. he is used to waiting for the woman

10.what does the woman want the man to do?

a. buy the tickets. b. buy her a wallet. c. go back for her wallet.


11.who is the woman talking to?

a. a hotel clerk. b. a hotel manager. c. a policeman.

12. where does the conversation most probably take place?

a. in the manager’s office.

b. in the room of the guest.

c. at the police station

do you know about the woman?

a. she cannot find her necklace.

b. she put her necklace in the bed.

c. she is not satisfied with the room


14. why is the woman asking for le**e?

a. she plans to go to the uk with her parents.

b. she has to take care of her parents at home.

c. she wants to spend some time with her parents

15. what can be inferred about the man?

a. he knows a lot about chinese culture.

b. he doesn’t want the woman to take any time off at first.

c. he considers language a big problem for foreign visitors

16. what can be inferred about the woman?

a. she is a student. b. she is a teacher. c. she is a tourist.

agreement do the two speakers reach at the end of the conversation?

a. the woman can take two days off.

b. the woman needs to do some extra work.

c. the woman should buy some tr**elling materials



doing exercise and keeping fit

. the importance of exercise

a 18 can lead to many health problems.

. how to prevent illness.

stay 19 : playing sports, gardening & doing housework.

. ways of doing exercise.

choose a proper form.

one that you enjoy and that you can stick with.

exercise in the right way.

start exercising slowly and increase the amount of exercise 20 .


w: i don’t know what's wrong with my watch. it was just a month ago that i had it repaired.

m: don’t waste your time and money any more, it's a very old watch and is quite worn out.

w: what time does the play start?

m: at 10:30.

if we le**e by nine o'clock, we should be able to get there half an hour before the play.

w: come to the movies with us. everybody needs to take a break every once in a while.

m: i guess i might as well. i've been studying so long i just can't concentrate.

m: are we still going to the football game tonight?

w: oh, sorry, i totally forgot about it. i’ve arranged to go with a friend to a new chinese restaurant downtown.

how about joining us?


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