
发布 2020-05-16 18:43:28 阅读 2551





1. abc.

2. abc.

3. abc.

4. abc.

5. a. $18b. $28c. $80

第二节对话理解听下面的对话,从题中所给的a, b,c三个选项中选出最佳答案。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。(每小题1分,共5分)

6. how much is the red t-shirt?

a. 5 dollars. b. 9 dollars. c. 14. dollars

7. when is the boy’s father’s birthday?

a. july 3 rd. b. june 3 rd. c. june 13 th.

8. what kind of movies does the boy like?

a. documentaries. b. action movies. c. comedies.

9. what can jerry do?

a. play volleyball. b. play the piano. c. play the guitar.

10. what time does the art class start?

a. at 2:00 pmb. at 3: 00 pm. c. at 4:00 pm.

ⅱ) 反应。


ⅲ) 笔录要点。



)21. this isalarm clock.

a. ab. anc. thed. /

)22. we don’t like

a. broccoli b. broccolis c. a broccoli d. broccolies

)23is this your pen?

a. sorryb. hello c. excuse me d. hi

)24. do you h**e two

a. tennis racket b. tennis rackets c. tennis’ racket d. tennis’ rackets

)25. hehis homework at school.

a. doesn’t do b. don’t does c. isn’t dod. does not

)26this your guitar?

a. amb. isc. ared. do

) 27. let’snow.

a. go to home b. to go home c. go homed. to go to

) 28. how much are these shoestwenty dollars.

a. areb. there c. they’red. their

) 29. my father usually___a showerthe morning.

a. take; in b. takes; in c. take; ond. takes; at

)30you play the violin?

a. are b. canc. isd. when

)31 --this is my sister annis __a student?

a. she b. hec. herd. his

)32. itwo baseballs and my friend __five baseballs.

a. h**e; h**e b. h**e; has c. has; h**e d. has; has

) 33. -is that your bookyes

a. it is b. it isn’t c. it’sd. this is

)34. miss wei often helps usour english.


2014 2015学年七年级上学期期末考试地理试题。充分调动你的手 口 眼 脑,勇敢的去发现问题 分析问题 解答问题,相信自己,我能行!一 选一选,看哪一个答案更符合题目要求。50分 1 下列地图的图幅大小相同,其中比例尺最大的是 a 世界地图 b 中国地图 c 甘肃省地图 d 张掖市地图。2 印第...


2006 2007学年度第一学期期末考试试卷。七年级生物。一 选择题 每空1分,共20分 1 生物体结构和功能的基本单位。a 细胞 b 组织 c 器官 d 系统 2.下列现象不属于生物生命现象的是。a 蝌蚪长成小青蛙 b 北风吹,雁南飞 c 牛吃草d 铁生绣 3 用显微镜进行观察的材料必须是。a 新...


2006 2007学年度第一学期期末考试试卷。七年级生物。一 选择题 每空1分,共20分 1 生物体结构和功能的基本单位。a 细胞 b 组织 c 器官 d 系统 2.下列现象不属于生物生命现象的是。a 蝌蚪长成小青蛙 b 北风吹,雁南飞 c 牛吃草d 铁生绣 3 用显微镜进行观察的材料必须是。a 新...