
发布 2020-05-16 18:40:28 阅读 7045



1.()a. peach b.

bread2.()a. mouth b.

house 3.()a. playb.

placec. prayd. plate4.

()a. shirt b. girlc.

firstd. fork5.()a.

thisb. mathc. threed.




strong(反义词)sweet(形容词)two(同音词)they’re(完全形式)in a nature park(汉语)he(宾格)sun.(完全形式)绿色的山(英语)do housework(汉语)knife(复数)四、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) there any(house)in the picture?

panda(live)in china.

you help(i)?

is(you)f**ouritefood? often(h**e)noodles for lunch.四、根据上句选下句。(5分)

) she like? monday.

) day is at today? is tall and thin.()would you like ? don’t.

) you he**y now? would like bananas.()you like carrots? am.六、快乐选择a、b、c。(20分)

) 1. mr lin is our math teacher. he’s boyb.

manc. woman() 2. what do you h**emondays?

a. onb. forc.

to() 3. is he strict?, he nob.

yesc. yes

) 4. potatoesmy f**ourite areb. isc. am

) 5. therean orange and many apples on the isb. amc. are

) 6. what’schinese teacher like?a. youb. yourc. you’re

) 7. there aredays in a sixb. sevenc.

eight() 8. can you clean the bedroom?--no,,but the robot i canb.

i can’ can’t() 9. i like don’t like butb. andc.

so) 10. this isred a, ab. an, anc. an, a七、按要求写句子。(10分)

our,menu,here,school(.)连词成句) like apples.(改为否定句)

you set the table?(作肯定回答)

are some books in your schoolbag.(变为一般疑问句)

can empty the trash.(画线部分提问)

八、下列各句均有一处错误,找出来并改正。(10分)()classes do youh**e?

abc) can help

) there a path here ?abc

) time forget up?.abc

) do you h**e on wednesday?abc九、根据中文意思写句子。(10分)1.你们教室有空调吗?

an air-conditioner in your classroom?2.垃圾箱在书桌的旁边。

the trash bin isthe desk.3.书架在哪儿?

the shelf?4.她的课相当的有趣。

class is5.妈妈不在家。mom

十、读短文,判断正“t”误“f”(10分)i h**e a new flat. there is a living room, akitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms in it. come and h**e a look at my bedroom.

there is an air conditioner over the desk. there is an end table and a closet nearthe bed. and there is a picture over the bed.

i h**e a trash bin behind the door. iempty the trash every day. look!

what’s under the desk? there isa chair. i love mybedroom.

i clean my bedroom on sundays.()are two end tables in my bedroom.()2.

there are four rooms in my home.()3. the chair is under the desk.

()4. the door is behind the trash bin.()5.

i clean my bedroom on weekends.


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