
发布 2020-05-16 18:00:28 阅读 6132




一、读一读,选出不同类的单词 (共5分)

) 1、a. hen b. cow c. goat d. fat

) 2、a. rainy b. windy c. cloudy d. hello

) 3、a. blue b. shirt c. dress d. jacket

) 4、a. one c. two d. thirty

) 5、 b. computeroom c. washroom d. board

二.读一读,选出不同类的单词 (共5分)

) 1. c. tv room

) 3. c. dress

三、 按要求写出个单词的正确形式(10分)

pear(同音词) _two(序数词)__they (宾格)__these(对应词long(反义词patato(复数box(复数)__

glass(复数)__girl(复数let’s (完全形式)__

四、(仔细观察,判断划线部分读音是否一致,一致的“t”不一致“f” 共5分)

) 1. a. nose b. home2. a. pig

) 3. a. cat a. music b. student

) 5. a. egg

五、 (选择正确的答案填空共20分)

) 1. -how much is this pretty dress

a. it is 98 yuan. b. they are 98 yuan. c. great.

) rainy today. let’s __

a. go to the playground b. play football c. watch tv

) 3. -can i help you

how much is it? pretty. c. you are welcome.

) 4.--where is the tv room? -it’s on the __floor.

a. one b. first c. two

) 5.--is this your t-shirt

a. no,it is. it is. c. yes,it isn’t.

)6、welcome to our !

a. school b. homework c. srudents.

)7、what time is it ? it’s .

a. 8 b. 8 o’clock c. clock’s 8

)8、is that your sweater ?

a. no,it’s b. yes,it’s

)9、what’s the weather like today ?

a. it’s sunny b. go c. close

)10、how much is this dress ?

a. pretty b. too expensive c. 99yuan

六、 情景对话。(每题1分,共10分)


a )( )time is ita、it’s cool.

( )i help youb、i want some bananas.

( )the weather like there? c、it’s blue.

( )many sheep are there? d、it’s nine o’clock.

( )colour is ite、twelve.

b ) ) 6. where is the art rooma . it’s ten yuan.

) 7. how much is itb. they’re onions

) 8. what are thesec. it’s on the second floor.

) 9. are they they are.

)10. is this your skirte. yes, it is.

七。 根据句意选择正确的单词填空( 共5分)

c. library d. snowy e. how many


skirt is 100yuan,very

isput on your

to theread some books.


1. it’s 8:30. it’s time for___class.


2. this shirt is preaty, but it’s too


3. i h**e a newit’s colourful.


4. i want some我想要一些橙子。

5. there arecows in the picture. 图画上有十一只奶牛。


1. is ,cold, it

2. your, that, computer, is

3. time, english ,it’s, for, class

4. are, much, how ,they

5. what ,is ,colour, it


1, we like cows.( 变成一般疑问句。

2, that is a library ( 变成复数。

3, this is a sheep( 变成复数。

4, those are apples(变成单数。

5, the red shirt is 20 yuan(划线提问。


my bedroom

this is my bedroom. it’s small and clean. there is a chair ,a desk and a bed in my room.

i’ve got some books on the desk. the chair is near the desk. the bed is near the window.

a picture is on the wall. and there are some flowers and trees in it. there is a computer near my bed.

it’s on the table. i play computer games on sunday. i like my bedroom.

) 1. my bedroom is big and clean.

) 2. there is a picture on the desk.

) 3. there is a computer on the table.

) 4. there are some flowers and trees in the picture.

) 5. the bed is near the desk.


四年级英语期末考试试卷。考号姓名分数。一 补全下列单词,将序号写在题前括号内 5分 1.libr y a.ur b.ar c.er 2.tr ck a.a b.i c.u 3.b cycle a.i b.u c.a 4.ca.ur b.ir c.ar 5.rest rant a.ou b.au c....


2012 2013年小学四年级英语期末试卷。校名姓名得分。1 给单词分类,把序号写在横线上。8分 a.chinese book c.open d.near e.pencil f.black g.under h story 1.学习用品 2.颜色 3.方位 2 根据情境选出正确的答案。10分 1.想看...


四年级英语第二学期期末试卷。姓名得分。一按正确的格式抄写 20分 it s time for music class.can i h e try.where is the short hand?they are on your feet.二选择题 30分 1 are they ducks?a 狗 b...