
发布 2020-05-16 05:16:28 阅读 7973




一、 请将下列单词中不同类的一项选出来。(10★)

)1、a. tallb. shortc. like

)2、a. heb. myc. she

)3、a. whatb. whoc. lady

)4、a. kindb. strictc. class

)5、a. studentb. principalc. funny

二、 根据要求填空。(10★)






三、 单项选择。(20★)

)1、who ismath teacher?

a. she b. your c. he

) like?

a. he b. his c. her

) carter is __english teacher.

a. ab. the c. an

)4strong? yes, he is.

a. is she is he

) is that __oh ,she is __principal.

;our ; my ;our


is so much funny

class is so much fun.

class is so much funny.


a. he is your new math teacher.

b. is she your new math teacher?

c. is he your new math teacher?


a. let me try. b. are welcome


a. he is tall and strong b. she is young and pretty.

c. she is a teacher.


a. what’s your chinese teacher like, amy?

b. who is your chinese teacher, amy?

c. is she your chinese teacher, amy ?

四、 对答如流。(10★)

)1、what’s he likea. yes, she is.

)2、who is your chinese teacher? is young and thin

)3、is she tall and isn’t.

)4、what’s that lady is tall and strong.

) 5、is he your math white.

五、 从下列单词中选出一个与其他单词发音不同的单词。(10★)

)1、a、 peach b、 bread c 、tea d 、seat

)2、a、 beef b、 sleep c、 eleven d、 sheep

)3、a、 that b、 thin c、 this d、 there

)4、a、 blue b、 black c、 brown d、blow

)5、a、 brown b、 bread c、 bird d、library

六、 连词成句。注意大小写及标点符号(20★)

1、her so fun is much class.

2、is lady that who?

3、is today it what day?

4、three teachers i new h**e

5、is our teacher he.

七、 阅读理解。读对话,对的打“√”错的打“×”20★)

a :do you h**e new teachers, tom ?

b:yes .

a :who are they

b :mr. lin and mr .sun .

a:are they young ?

b:mr lin is young ,but mr sun isn’t .

a :is mr lin a university student ?

b:yes ,he’s very funny .

a :is mr sun strict

b:yes ,he we all like them .

) has two new teachers .

) sun isn’t strict .

)3 .mr lin is young .mr sun is old

) 4 .mr lin isn’t funny.

)5 .tom likes his new teachers .


县学校姓名考号班级。密封线。2017 2018学年上学期五年级9月检测卷。考试时间 120分钟总分100分 一 看拼音,写词语。10分 du n li n hu n r b o l i z r n ch n k i bi n c j l chu y n m n ch n d o d 二 在加点字正确...


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