
发布 2020-04-11 22:29:28 阅读 4347



1英语2 颜色3 号码 __

4朋友5 家庭6 女儿___

7 **8 堂兄9 字典___

10笔记本11 图书馆12收音机___

13 篮球14有趣的15汉堡包___

16周17 蔬菜18 处处___

19 困难的20 认为___


1 一串钥匙2一个橘子。









19 生日宴会20 迟到。


1.what’s name ? you)

2. hisname is jack . one)

3. areyour parents ? this)

4. those are myfriend)

5. he five volleyballs . h**e)

6. she h**e a sister ? do)

7. thatboring . sound)

8 . he tv every day . watch)

9. hesalad . eat)

10. let play tennis . we)

11. the pens in the pencils.(is)

are my students. _classroom is over there(在那边).(they)

don’t like ice-cream,i think it is __health)

14. are my two brothers . that)

and lilya new bike. (h**e)


)1your hat?

a. where b. where're c. where's d. where are

) 2. is his pencil casethe drawer?

a. inb. atc. of d. to

)3. the cdsin the drawer.

a. amb. isc. are d. be

)4. —are the shoes under your bed

a. yes, it is b. yes, they are c. no, it isn't d. yes, they’re

)5under the tree? no,they aren’t.

a.where are b.what is c.are they d.is it

)6under the desk? -no, they aren’t.

a. where are b. what’s c. are those rulers d. is that ruler

)7.it is not

a.eggs b.a egg c.egg d.an egg

)8. look at thosethey are nice.

a. photoes b. photos c. photo d. a photo

)9.is your photo in the drawer

a.yes, i am b.no,it is c.yes,it is d.no,i’m not

)10.—what are these?

a.it’ s a bike b.they’ re bikes c.bike d.are bikes

)11. look at thosethey are __

a. photoes; hers b. photos; his c. photo; her d. photoes; mine


a. what’s this in english b. how do you spell it c. what’s that

)13. gina___my cousin. we___good firends.

a. is, are b. are, are c. are, is d is,is

)14. my mother___reading , but she __sports.

a. likes, don’tlike b. likes, doesn’t like c. like, doesn’t like

) the great photo.

a. tob. ofc. for

)16.—_that? —it’s a drawer.

)17. 代表“英国广播公司”的是:__

a. cctv b. bbc c. nba

)18.—are these your boxes?

a.yes, these areb.no, they are

c.no, they aren’ td.no, these aren’ t

)19name is han meimeiname is li lei.

a.i, your b.my, his c.me, his d.my, he

)20.—thank you very much.

a.ok b.that’ s right c.that’ s all right d.yes


is on the sofa.(改为复数句子)

on the sofa.

is my father. (改为一般疑问句)

this father?

are rulers. (改为单数形式)

is a .

brother has a computer. (改为一般疑问句)

___his brother a computer?

id card is on the dresser. (对划线部分提问)

is id card?


nick likes sports. he _1___basketball every afternoon. he has a brother.

_2__name is bob. bob __3_playing sports, but he likes sports show(节目).he _4__tv every evening.

_5__like french fries, and they often eat them. but french fries are _6__healthy. _7__boys and girls like ice cream, but they don’t like __8__.

9__do they like? they like fruit. nick likes apples and bob likes __10__.


2013 2014学年度新沟初中七年级思想品德学科竞赛试题。一单项选择题 只有一个最佳答案,请选出来填在相应的方框内,每小题2分,总计20分 1 王明总是抱怨 学习真是太苦了,我甚至都不想上学了。你认为王明之所以这样,是因为他只看到了 a 学习是一个苦乐交织的过程 b 学习是一个 和发现的过程,需要...


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