
发布 2020-04-11 20:38:28 阅读 1275

( )7. -what’s thisa key.

a. he’sb. this’s c. it’s

( )8. -what’s thischinese尺子”.

a. inb. atc. on

) 9. aare youfine, thanks.

a. what b. where c. how

( )there’s a book on the deskbook is blue.

a. the bc. a


a. good evening b. thanks c. good afternoon

)12.对方帮你忙完后, 你应该说。

a. okb. thank you c. hello

)13.初次认识某人, 你对他说的问候语应该是。

a. how are you b. what’s your name c. how do you do

)14. 当你想知道某个单词怎么拼写时, 你对对方说。

a. please spell “book” b. b-o-o-k c. what’s this

)15. 当你向别人认错时, 你应该说。

a. excuse meb. i’m sorry c. i’m ok

)16. 睡前你要对妈妈说。

a. good night b. good evening c. how are you

)17. 与好朋友打招呼要说。

a. how do you do b. helloc. good evening

)18. 当你的老师向你介绍一位新同学时,你应对你的新同学说。

a. how are you? b. nice to meet you. c. thanks.

)19. 当你进了mr du的办公室,他说:sit down, please! 你应回答。

a. yes, i sit down. b. thanks. c. please!

)20. 你手里拿着一张字母卡片问别人时,应说:

a. what's this? b. what's your name? c. how are you?

三、情景交际: 请从ⅱ栏中选出与ⅰ栏对应的答语。(5分)

i( )1. helloa. how do you do?

( )2. how are youb. hello!

( )3. how do you doc. good morning, dale!

( )4. good morning, ericd. i’m fine, thanks.

( )5. good evening, mume. good evening, grace!

四. 完型填空:完成对话 (把下列的对话补充完整)(12分)

a: good afternoon, dale!

b: _1frank?

a: how are you !

b: i’m __2___thanks, _3

a: i’m ok.

b4a: it’s a jacket.

b: speel it ,please.

a5___b: what color is it?

a:it’s __6___

b: thanks.

1.a. good afternoon b. good morning c. hello

2. a orange b. fine c. hi.

and you b. morning c. thanks

4. color is it b. what’s this c. how are you

5. a. j-a-c-k-e-t b. j-a-c-k-e-t c. j-a-c-k-e-t

6. a. a red b. red c. red

五. 写出下列字母所代表的意思。


1. tom’s夹克衫) is old.

2. what’s your名字) ?

3. his英语) is very good.

4. there’s a被子) in the bed.

5. please拼写) “please”.




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