七年级上册英语SelfCheck导学案 4

发布 2020-04-02 13:47:28 阅读 9311

self check










一、根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空1. -when is __d**id) birthday?--it’s maytwenty-five)

2. my father hastwelfth) t-shirts.3. theseven) month is july.

4. do you know herparents) names?5. we h**e only __first) earth.

6. mr. wu is the __boy) teacher.

the boys like him.7. jenny is the __four) girl to come.

8. -how old are you?

--i’m thirteenyear) old.

i’m thechildren) teacher, miss gao.

10. i h**e __ten) books. the __ten) one is in english.

二、单选。)1. -when is___birthday?

--her birthday is november 19th.

a. yourb. brother’ -when is the basketball game?


a. on julyb. in julyc. at julyd. july()3. -which month ismonth of a year?

a. fifth, mayb. the fifth, mayc. fiveth, marchd. the fivety, march

)4. we h**e __school day at our school, but we don’t h**e __artfestival.

a. a, ab. a, anc. an, ad. an, an()5. christmas day is on __25th.

a. septemberb. octoberc. novemberd. december

) 6. -your grandfather is 98. how is he?

--he is __but he is very healthy.

a. oldb. longc. fined. great

)7. this is___bedroom. the twins (孪生) sisters like it very lucy and lilyb.

lucy’s and lily’ and lilyd. lucy and lily’s

)8. when is your sister’s birthday?it’s august

a. twelveb. twelvethc. the twelfthd. the twelveth()9

--he is fourteen.

a. where is heb. how old is hec. how is hed. what is he

)10your father like music? yesa. does, he doesb.

do, he doc. does, he likesd. do, he like


1. may 4this my birthday. i’ll h**e a birthday p___2.

ois the tenth month of a very h___to see you again.

you like your school t___yes, it’s interesting.5. we h**e english classes this t___


1. my little brother is only four years old. (对划线部分提问is your little brother?

2. my school day is on september sixth. (对划线部分提问your school day?

3. they h**e an art festival every year? (改为一般疑问句)__they __an art festival every year?

4. tom has an english test in march.(对划线部分提问tom __in march?

5. jim likes basketball.(改为否定句)jimbasketball.



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