
发布 2020-04-01 07:50:28 阅读 1090

unit4 第一课时


一。 根据汉语提示写单词1 there are many __ru:lz/ in my family.

2we can’t run after others in the走廊).

3 jim, don’t打架)with your classmates.

4 it’s snowing now. don’t go外面 ).

5 we h**e to keep安静)in the hospital.


)6 -please __late for the meeting. -sorry.

a. isn’t b. aren’t c. don’t be d. not

)7 don’t __your dog to school next time.

a. bring b. take c. to bring d. to take

)8 -you __wear school uniforms. -ok.

a. aren’t h**e to b. don’t h**e c. don’t h**e to d. aren’ t h**e

)9 -please don’t run in the classroom

a. ok,thank you b. you, please not c. not at all d. sorry, i won’t

)10 tom __home early every day.

a . gets to b. arrives at c. arrives d. arrives in


11 you must be on time to school.(改为同义句)

don’t arriveschool.

12 open the window, please.(改为否定句)

the window, please.

13 selina likes pop music and rock music.(改为否定句)

selinapop music __rock music.

14 we h**e to eat in the dining room.(变一般问句及肯定回答)

___youeat in the dining room? yes, i __

15we can eat fried fish and pizza outside.(划线部分提问)

youfried fish and pizza ?

unit4 第二课时



1. don’t a___late for class.

2. you can’t w___this kind of hat at school.

3. i like lto music in the classroom.

4. we h**e many rin our school.

5. children oftenfait/ for some toys or storybooks.


6not be) late for class.

7. heh**e) to read english every morning.

8. do you h**e towear) school uniforms every day.

9. tonynot h**e) to come to school every day.

10. pleasebe) quiet in the library.


)11 -why are you walking so fast?

- because i __get home to do my homework.

a. h**e b. go to c. h**e to d. has to

)12 don’t run __shout in the classroom.

a. and b. so c. or d. but

)13 what __you __to do before class?

a. can, h**e b. are, h**e c. do, h**e d. can, has

)14 -can you cook dinnerit’s easy.

a. no, i can’t b. yes, i can c. no, i can d. yes, i need

15 don’t __at school late.

a. arrive b. get c. to arrive d. to get

4、完成句子; 16 我理想的学校是我们没必要每天都上学。

___my___school, we don’tcome to school every day.


don’t runand don’t __late for class.


can we___musicschool?

unit4 第三课时。


一。 根据汉语提示写单词 1. children, don’t __gu/ out now.

2. you can do the餐具)at home.

3 we h**e to practice our spoken english on school __夜晚).

4. on weekends, i often clean the厨房).

5. look at the sign. it says “no __谈话)”.


)6 i h**e to get home __five o’clock.

a. on b. before c. with d. in

)7 she often __on weekends.

a. does the dishes b. does the dish c. does dishes d. do the dish

)8 i h**e __rules in my family.

a. too many b. much too c. too much d. many too

) 9 don’t __too much tv. it’s bad for your eyes.

a. watch b. watched c. watching d. to watch

)10 we must practice __more english.

a. speak b. to speak c. talking d. speaking

)11 lily has to __her bed every morning.

a. makes b. make c. ****** d. to make

)12 –what do you do on sundays. -i practice __

a. play the drums play the drums

c. playing the drums d. playing the drum

)13 you mustn’t talk __

a. in the class b. in the classroom c. in classes d. in class

) 14 don’t go out __school nights.

a. on b. in c. at d. for


15molly has to帮妈妈洗餐具) every day.

16 at school, we


17 jill always gets up at 6:00 then整理床铺铺).

18 our teacher is very对我们要求很严).

19 we must记住打扫教室)before we go to school.

unit4 第四课时。



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