
发布 2020-03-31 14:50:28 阅读 1407


一、 单词和词组填空。


1. my___理想的)home is the one with lots of trees and flowers in the garden.

2. the第九)lesson is a little easy.

3. the w___desk is made of wood.

4. you should be f___to your friends because they are all kind to you.

5. my english teacher lives next to my house. she is my n___

6. it’s too noisy (吵闹,喧哗). let’s find a q___place to talk about our plan.

7. his brother is h**ing a sin the bathroom.

8. how much does the air conditioner cost? about seven千) yuan.


****** dinner, am afraid, in front of, h**e a free day,at least, in the center of, over a river, at the same time

1. mother is busyin the kitchen. let’s help her.

2. there is a big treemy grandpa’s house. it’s cool there.

3. i __we don’t h**e a green sweater in your size. would you like to take a yellow one?

4. childrenon june 1st. they always h**e fun.

5. millie an i often get to school


1. everyone in our family __like) to watch lucky 52,2. liu xiang is good atrun).

3. i tell the studentsnot talk) in class.

4. it takes him two hours __finish) _do) his homework.

5. do you know how many __month) there are in a year?

6. simon___call) jack___tell) him about his new school at present.

___share) a bedroom with you?


) is __11-year-old boy.

a .an b. a c .the d. /

)2.__is the capital of britain.

a. paris b. london c. washington d. sydney

)3. which book isthis one or that one ?

a. better b. best c. the better d. good

) is your f**orite after you h**e seen so many houses?

a. the biggest one b. the bigger one c. the big one d. the biggest ones

) scored___points , and she came __on the billboard.

a. ninety-eighth, fifth b. ninety-eight, fifth

c. ninety-eight, five d. ninety-eighth, five

) tao and i live in the same building. but he lives two floors __me.

a. onb. overc. under d. below

) sits between___

a. you and she b. you and her c. she and you d. her and you

) read 10,206 like this___

a. one thousand, two hundred and six

b. one thousands, two hundred and six

c. ten thousand, two hundred and six

d. ten thousand, two hundred six

) will arrive __china __september 2nd.

a. in, on b. at, from c. in, in d. at, on

)10the students will go to the island for the picnic.

a. two hundred of b. two hundred c. two hundreds of d. hundreds of


1. 他经常同时听**和写信。

2. 我每天至少要散步半小时。

3. 你住在哪层楼?我和我的家人住在三楼。

4. 在圣诞节早晨,孩子们迫不及待地打开礼物。

5. 坐在扶手椅上看电视很舒服。

6. 米莉的家在一条繁华的街道上。

millie’s home is

7. 那个年轻人将给你捎来口信。

the young manfor you.

8. 我们还能在别的地方买到这种台灯?

where __can we buy

9. 请问我能和王先生通话吗?


10. 下个月我将去和我姑姑住一阵子。

i’llfor some days next month.


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