
发布 2023-02-18 09:30:28 阅读 9628


starter unit 1—unit 3




1.中号的2. (美国)全国篮球协会。

3. 激光唱片4. **广播电视台。

5. 不明飞行物6. 世界**组织。

7. 英国广播公司8.大号的。

9. 停车10.千克。


1.white (反义词2. i’m(完整形式。

3.what is(缩略形式4. it’s(完整形式。

5. uu( 同音词。


1.howyou? (am, is ,are)

2.whatthis in english? (am, is ,are)

3.what color is the pen? itred. (am, is ,are)

4.what’s this? it’sorange. (a, an )

5. what’s this? it’s __jacket. (a, an )

6. it’sapple. (a, an )

___a boy(男孩。(am, is ,are)



a. how are you? b. good morning! c. good evening!

2.当别人向你问好时说:how are you? 你应该怎么回应呢?

a. fine, thank you b. helloc. how are you?

)3. 一good evening, eric. 一cindy.

a. good morning b. good afternoon c. good evening

)4.一good morning! 一___

a.thank you b.good morning! c.hello!

)5.一hello! 一___

a.hellob.thank you c.i’m fine

)6.一sit down,p1ease. 一。

a.i’m fineb.okc.thank you

)7.--cindy,what’s this in english

a.this is a pen b.it’s a pen c.it’s pen

)8.it’sblack.it’sblack ruler.

a.a;/ b./;ac.a;a

)9is that quilt? —it’s black.

a..how color b.what color c.what’s color

)10. 一what’s this in english? 一it’sorange.

a. anb. ac./

)11 --what’s thisit’s a

a egg b orange c map d apple

( )13.对方给你帮完忙后, 你应该说。

a. okb. thank you c. hello d. bye-bye.

) 14.初次认识某人, 你对他说的问候语应该是。

a. how are you? b. what’s your name? c. nice to meet you! d. hello!

) 15.下列每组字母中不含元音字母的是组。

a. m n b p b. h i j p c. a d g k d. e h o p


)1 good morninga. goodbye.

)2 goodbyeb. nice to meet you, too.

)3 how are youc. it’s a map.

)4 what’s this in englishd. good morning.

)5 spell it, pleasee. hello!

)6 good afternoonf. m-a-p.

)7 hellog. fine, thank you.

)8 what’ color is ith. good evening.

)9 good eveningi. it is green.

)10 nice to meet youj. good afternoon.


1. tom’s夹克衫) is old7. i __是)fine.

2. what颜色) is 是) a key.

3. his英语) is very good. 9.__怎样)are you?

4. there’s an橙子) in the bed.

5. please拼写) “please”.

pen is红色的).


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