
发布 2020-03-31 13:52:28 阅读 8681




一。 在下面的四线三格内写出五个元音字母的大小写(5分)


1. h2. q

3. v4. x

5. g三、互译下面的缩写(5分)

1. cd2. kg3. p

4. (美国)全国篮球协会。

5. 中国**电视台


一、单选(从a b c d 四个选项中选出一个正确答案,并填入题前括号内;每小题1分,共15分)。


a. how are you? b. good morning!

c. good afternoon! d. good evening!


a. it b. in c. quilt d. fine.

)3is your jacket ?

---it’s green .

a. what’s ; a b. what color ; a

c. what color ; d. what’s color ;/

)4. -what’s this ?

---it’s orangeorange is green.

a. an ; an b. an; it’s c. /an d. an; the

)5. -what’s this english ?

---it’s a map .

a. on b. in c. for d. at

)6his name is mike.

a. how are youb. what’s his name ?

c. how old is hed. where is he?

) name is alan smith .his family name is __

b. robert c. alan robert d. smith

)8. that’s a girl .her name is

xiaohongb. wang xiao hong

c. wang xiaohongd. wang xiao hong

)9your phone number?--it’s 667-8954.

b. what’s c. how’s d. what

)10.--excuse me , is she tina

a. no, she is b. no, she’s not c. yes , she is d. yes, she’s

)11. this is a boyname is jack .

a. his b. he c. she d. her

)12. -is this his ruler?

---noa.it is b.this isn’t c.he isn’t d. it isn’t

)13. -what’s __phone number?

--my phone number is 547-8089.

a. my b. your c. her

)14. -excuse meyou mr. zhang?

-- yes, my namezhang ming.

a. are, amb. is, arec. is, amd. are, is

)15gina. -nice to meet you, too, li lei.

a. good morningb. how are you

c. nice to meet youd. thank you


my (1) is lucy. i’m a (2) .i’m (3) .

i’m (4) now. my teacher is a (5) .her name is wang pei.

she is an (6) teacher. d**id is my friend. he is english.

he is fourteen. d**id and i (7) in class 3, grade1. i am (8) number i in row 2.

he is in the same row. his english is (9) .he has(有) a parrot.

(10) name is polly.

)1.a.name b.number c.class d.row

)2.a.man b.woman c.girl d.boy

)3.a.japan b.china c.american d.america

)4.a.at the school b.at school

c.in the school d.school

)5.a.boy b.man c.english d.woman

)6.a.japanese b.english c.chinese d.good

)7.a.are b.am c.is d.be

)8.a.in b.at c.× d.on

)9.a.well b.ok c.good d.fine

)10.a.it’s b.its c.it is d.its


a 篇判断正误,正确的写 t, 错误的写f

my name is lucy miller. i'm an english girl. i'm thirteen years old now.

i'm at school now. look! this is my school — no.

10 middle school. i'm in class 3, grade 1. i h**e a good friend at school..

she is a girl and her name is lingling. she's not at school today. i think she's at home.

my english teacher is mrs zhang. she's a very good english teacher.

) is a japanese girl.

)'s family name is white.

)3. lucy is in class 3, grade 1 .

)'s good friend is a boy.

) isn't at school today.


) 1. d**id is __

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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