
发布 2020-03-31 13:49:28 阅读 4556







1. what does she like doing

abc. 2. how does the boy go to school when it rains?

a. b. c.

3. where did the man go last summer?

a. b. c.

4. which animal are they talking about?

a. b. c.

5. what's tom's father like

a. fat. b. short. c. thin.

6. when does the class start

a. at 7:00. b. at 8:00. c. at 9:00.

7. what does d**id think of tr**elling by air?

a. cheap and safe. b. fast but expensive. c. fast and cheap.

8. what will the boy do this afternoon?

a. h**e a party. b. visit the old people. c. go shopping.

9. what are they doing?

a. they are shopping. b. they are cooking. c. they are ****** a call.

10. what is the date today?

a. may 30 th. b. june 1st. c. may 31 st.


11. what club is the boy in?

a. in the dancing club. b. in the drawing club. c. in the singing club.

12. how often does the boy go to the club?

a. every day. b. twice a week. c. three times a week.


fourteen b. fifteen c. sixteen

square b. small c. round

chinese and english b. english and maths c. maths and chinese

d) 听一段独白,回答16-20小题。短文读两遍。

16. how old is the dog?

a. three months old. b. eight months old. c. one year old.

17. what does the dog look like?

a. he has short black fur and blue eyes.

b. he has long fur and blue eyes.

c. he has white fur and black eyes.

18. where does the dog sleep at night?

a. on the sofa. b. on the balcony. c. under my bed

19. what does the dog like eating best?

a. fish. b. meat. c. apples.

20. when does the writer often take the dog to the park?

a. in the morning. b. in the afternoon. c. in the evening.

二、 单项选择 (共15题,每小题1分,计15分)

)21. kate isgirl. she’s very happy at school.

a . a eight–year–old b. an eight–year–old

c. an eight–years –old d. a eight–years–old

) suddenly heard someonehelp! help!”.

a. shouting b. to shout c. shouts d. shouted

) runninga field, she finally got to a small river.

a. across b. above c. through d. with

) are __poor __pay for the school. we should try our best to help them.

a. too, to b. too, couldn’t c. very, can’t d. so, couldn’t

)25. mary is looking forward to __from me, please remember __this letter to her.

a. hear; send b. hearing; sending c. hearing; to send d. hear; sending

) read a book, put it down andaway.

a. go b. goes c. went d. to go

) 27.—would you please __the number? i wasn’t listening. —ok. that’s 152***

a. remember b. repeatc. recommend d. reply

)28. —what would you like to eat? —i’m very hungry. _you can get. just get it now.

a. anything b. something c. nothing d. other things

)29news it is! i felt very sad.

a. what a bad b. how bad c. how a bad d. what bad

)30. —may i play outside now, mum? —no, you __you __do your homework first.

a. may not; can b. can’t; may c. may not; may d. can’t; must

)31. there was a big fire last night. but the firemenat last.

a. put it up b. put it out c. put up itd. put out it

) room isto hold 100 people.

a. enough big b. too big c. big enough d. big too

)33. _june 9th, he helped a mana fire.

a. in; into b. on; out of c. in; out of d. on; into

)34. which of the following words comes first in the dictionary(字典)?

a. trickb. treasurec. trousersd. treat

)35. —ms qian, this problem isdifficult for me!

don’t complainhenry. you should use your head.

a. too much, much too b. much too, too much

c. too much, too much d. much too, much too


dear miss wang,we would like to recommend andy as __36__ new monitor(班长). we think he is good enough to be suitable(合适的)for the position(职位).

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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