
发布 2020-03-31 13:47:28 阅读 3940


考试时间:120分钟总分:140分 )




) 1. what will amy get from her grandpa?

) does stephen chat with his friends?

) 3. what is peter doing at present?

) is the following do they need?

b. 听对话,从每小题中选出最佳答案,听两遍。

) 5. where are they talking?

a. in class one b. in class two c. in class four

) 6. what is the woman doing?

a. skating b. boating c. flying

) 7. what are they going to do next monday?

a. play football b. play basketball c. play badminton

) 8. what’s his car number?

a. 554406 b. 454506 c. 445506

) 9. how does she go to school every day?

a. by bike b. by bus c. on foot

) 10. whose bag is that?

a. her brother’s b. hers c. mine

) 11. where is nick’s cousin?

a. in the field b. at the market c. in the hotel

) 12. how many boys are there in the boy’s class?

a. twenty-five b. twenty-seven c. twenty-two

) on the second floor?

a. a library b. a computer room c. two reading rooms

) 14. what does the boy often do on the balcony?

a. read books b. play table tennis c. make model planes

) 15. what does simon do after school?

a. watch tv b. does his homework c. play with friends

c. 听下面几段对话,选择正确答案,听两遍。


) 16. where was peter born?

a. in beijing b. in nanjing c. in shanghai

) 17. what is peter like?

a. he is tall and thin. b. he is polite and helpful. c. he is big and strong.


) colour of shoes will the man buy?

a. black shoes b. brown shoes c. white shoes

) 19. how much are the shoes?

a. $45 b. $35c. $46


) 20. jane’s telephone number is __

a. 7869460 b. 7896640 c. 7869650

) 21. they all want to __

a. play football b. watch the cd c. play a game

) will meet at __on sunday afternoon.

a. 2:00 b. 3:20c. 2:30


) 23. a. parkb. gardenc. room

) 24. a. happyb. unhappyc. hungry

) 25. a. songsb. musicc. flowers

b. 听短文,选择正确答案,听两遍。

) 26. john is a young man .he has __

a. a small dog and a big car b.a small car and a big dog

c. a big dog and a big car

) 27. john likes __

a. playing basketball b. playing football c. driving a car

) 28. why couldn’t john open the door of the car?

a. the lock (锁) was broken (坏了) b. the key (钥匙) was not his

c. the car was not his

) 29. when john jumped (跳)into a car ,his dog __

a. jumped out of the next car b. jumped into another car

c. stayed beside another car

) 30. did john smile (微笑) at last?

a. no, he didn’t b. yes, he didn’t c. yes, he did


) 31. the __is a room where you can eat meals

a. sitting room b. living room c. dining room d. bedroom

) 32. would you please __give me __water? i’m thirsty.

a. to, many b. /any c. /some d. to, some

) 33.— it is thursday today, what day was yesterday?

a. monday b. sunday c. saturday d. wednesday

) 34. 2,530,417, is __

a. two thousand, five hundred and thirty thousand, four hundred and seventeen

b. two million, five hundred and thirty thousand, four hundred and seventeen

c. two million, five hundreds and thirty thousand, four hundred and seventeen

d. two millions, five hundred thirty thousand and four hundred seventeen

) 35. can you send __e-mail __me when you get to beijing?

a. an, to b. a, for cd. the, for

) 36. —how much milk is there in the bottle?

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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