
发布 2020-03-31 13:43:28 阅读 5323

七年级英语第一次月考 2012.9

注意事项:1. 考试时间:120分钟,总分150分 ( 包括10分卷面分)。

2. 请将卷一选择题的答案填入题后的答题表中,只收卷二。

第一卷 (选择题共60分)

. 选择填空:从下列选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共30分)

)1. it’s __u”.

ab. a c. an

)2. -hello, jack!

a. hi, jim! b. hello,jack! c good morning!

)3. 书写小写字母时,两笔完成的是___

a. h b. k c. p

)4. 下列各组字母发音,有相同元音因素的一组是___

a. c, g b. o, h c. b, f

)5. 下列缩略词中表示“光盘”的意思的是___

a.hb b. cd c. bbc

)6. 按字母表顺序排列正确的是___

a. j, h, i b. a, d, e c. n, q, p

)7. 在晚会上与别人打招呼时应该说。

a. good afternoon b. how are you? c. good evening!

)8. -your jacket is very nice(漂亮的).

a. that’s ok! b. yes, it is. c. thank you!

)9. 下列三组字母所含音素与字母b不同的是___

a. f b. p c. e

)10. 下列单词中,__组都含有音素/ ei /。

a. dale, frank b. dale, grace c. grace, thanks

)11. 不是元音字母的选项是___

a. rr b. aa c ii

)12. -what’s that?

a. it’s a cup. b. it’s cup. c. it a cup.

)13. 下列字母代表“停车区”的是___

a. kg b. p c. m

)14. 英语中有___个字母,__个音素。

a. 26,48 b. 48, 26 c. 26, 40

)15. 下列说法错误的是___

a. 英语中的句号是一个实心点。

b. 英语句子的第一个词的第一个字母必须大写。


d. 小写字母f占三格。

)16. -what’s this __english?

it’s __orange.

a.in, a b. it, an c. in, an

)17. 小写字母书写时都占同一格的选项是___

a. m, n, i b. k, l, f c. a, c, e

)18. this is __qq number(号码).

a. a b. an c. the d. /

)19.--what's that ?

a. that's a quilt. b. it's a quilt. c. it a quilt.

)20. -spell it, please!

a. ok b. good c. fine

)21. _a red jacket.

a what's b it's c i'm

)22. “美国篮球协会”的英文缩写是___

b. abc c. nba

)23. it's __cup.

a a b an c /

)24. -what's this in english?

is a ruler.

a this b it c it's


a l b p c kg

)26. —how___you?

—i___fine, thanks.

a are; are b are ; is c are ; am d am ; are

)27. —your english is good.

a thank you b thanks you c not good

)28. 选出下列大小写不一致的一组字母。

a. gj b. ff c. dd

)29. 选出下列大小写不一致的一组字母。

a. li b. jj c. dd

) 30. -spell it, please.

a. q-u-i-l-t b. yes, i can. q-u-i-l-t c. q-u-i-l-t

. 请从b栏中找出与a栏相对应的答语。(10分)

ab )31. how are youa. i’m fine, too

( )32. how do you dob. you’re welcome.

( )33. thanksc. good evening!

( )34. what’s this in englishd. nice to meet you, too.

( )35. helloe. good morning!

( )36. good eveningf. fine, thanks.

( )37. good morningg. it’s a key.

( )38. nice to meet youh. how do you do?

( )fine. and youi. good afternoon!

( )afternoonj. hello!


good morning, alice!



it's a pen, it's a black__43__.

look at(看) this. it is a __44__.it's an english cd.

__45__is white. this is jim's(吉姆的ruler.__46__ is it?

er, it's blue.

what's that in __47_english?

it's an orange jacket.

__48__?an orange?

no(不是的). it's a jacket. the color is __49__.

oh! it's __50__orange jacket.

) morning b. afternoon c. evening

) amb. is c. are

) pencil b. ruler c. pen

) hbb. cd c. bbc

) itb. ic. you

) what's color b. what color c. what

) theb. an c. /

) howb. what c. what color

) black b. green c. orange

) ac. an


七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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