
发布 2020-03-31 13:39:28 阅读 5779

unit2 it’s show time

1 interest 名词“兴趣”,place of interest

动词“使人发生兴趣”your story interests me.

i h**e no any interest in reading only interested in think it’s interesting.

be excited about/to do 对···很激动/兴奋。

2 still 副词“仍然” 形容词“静止的”

3 be/get ready for +名词、代词为···做准备。

be/get ready to do sth. 准备···强调状态/动作。

4 work on从事于,忙于,后跟名词,代词,动名词。

5 something nice to eat形容词、动词不定式修饰不定代词,放在其后。

6后跟不带to的不定式:had better(not)do

why not do sth.?=why don’t you do sth?

could/would/will you please(not)do?

prefer to do...rather than do...

不定式作宾补tell sb.(not)to do ask/want/would like/get

不加to的不定式做宾补let/make/h**e /help sb do sth

7translate/turn ..into...

translate this sentence into chinese.

8 how old are you?=what’s your age?

he began to learn english when he was 5 years old.==

he began to learn english at the age of 5.

9discover发现 invent发明。

10between...and··在两者之间 he sits between om and me.

among三者或三者以上。 he stands among all the students.

11during在···期间 during the holidays

12bring back拿回来,带回来。

13hope to do sth hope+ (that)

14come/be from 来自于 ··

15(1)two days ago用于一般过去式 two days before用于过去完成时

2)ago 不能单独使用。before 可单独使用,用在过去时或现在完成时态中。


he will be back before 5 o”clock.

i’ll ring you before i le**e home.

16(more/the most)important重要的,名词importance

17 try /do one’s best(to do)尽某人最大的努力(做某事)

18look like看起来像···近义词组是be like

you look like your mother .

19live in住在···

20well done“做得好”口语中赞扬对方的行动,单独使用。

21a little bit“少许,有些”,修饰形容词,副词,动词,有时相当于 a little, a bit


she always wears a red hat.

tom is wearing a new shirt.


the boy in white is my brother.

she is in a pair of red shoes.

put on“穿上,戴上”强调由没穿到穿的动作。

dress sb给···穿衣,后接人,不接衣服。

the boy is old enough to dress himself.

get dressed“自己穿衣”相当于dress oneself

dress up“穿上盛装,乔装打扮”

try on试穿,动副结构的短语 tyr it on.

23can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待的做某事。

24rich 反义词poor

25i hpoe so/not. i’m afraid so/not. i(don’t) think so .

26take part in(the olympic games)参加大型群众性活动。


join in加入某个组织或个人的活动

attend(the meeting) 参加会议

27be different from“与··不同”反义词:be the same as

28 sometimes=at times有时候 some times几次。

some time一些时间

29 kinds of 各种各样的,后跟复数名词或不可数名词。

30result from产生于···由于···

his success resulted from hard work.

31 feel,look,smell,sound,taste表感官的词,后跟形容词。

32(1)one...the other...一个···另一个··

i h**e two books,one is new,the other is old.

2)the others表特指,“其他的人或物”指一定范围内除去一部分后,剩下的全部的人或物。

two children went,but the others stayed.


do you h**e other questions?


there are many people in the are talking,some are walking,others are boating.


would you like another one?


34 suggestion “建议” 可数名词, advice 不可数名词。

35一般过去时:表示过去某个特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态,与yesterday,a monment ago连用。i was ill yesterday.


he was often late for school last term.


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