
发布 2020-03-31 13:40:28 阅读 7553

课前花絮】伴随着美妙的**,听课的老师和我班的学生进入了教师,这是我校举办的一次校内公开课。公开课给同学们提供了展示才华的机会,这令他们兴奋不已,但满教师的听课老师又让他们感到紧张,于是在上课铃响之前,我和他们一起唱英语歌曲,玩拍手游戏:“i like this one, i like that.

this is fat, and that is thin. i like this one, i like that. this is long, and that is short……”孩童的游戏、相互间的拍手拍桌使孩子们放松了自我,也让他们有了兴奋点。


进入情境】leading---in (导入)

let’s chant

sunny sunny suuny ,it’s sunny.

windy windy windy,it’s windy.

cloudy cloudy cloudy, it’s cloudy.

raining raining raining it’s raining.

snowing snowing snowing, it’s snowing.

do you like this song? do you like me? this class let’s learn english together.

can you tell me how the weather is today? it’s sunny……do you want to know about the weather?

利用当时的实际天气情况来导入句型how’s the weather today?这个句型的出发点是以实际生活引入课堂,以旧知识引出新知识,符合学生的认知能力的发展。

学习过程】step 1 利用**来学习表示天气情况的词。

do you want to know about the weather? now look here.

1)how’s the weather today? windy. 领读单词。

2)用同样的方法学习下面的单词。(cloudy, sunny ,raining, snowing)


step 2 do you know it ?



step 3 自主**。know more about city weather

1)where is it? it’s beijing.

where is it? it’s shanghai.用同样的方法来认知(moscow, toronto,boston)等城市名称。

2)猜天气情况 how’s the weather in beijing? i think it’s sunny/….

问某一城市天气情况,指名让同学们猜。其他同学根据情况回答yes or no.


step 4 合作交流。

1)match the words with the pictures. 1a.


2)listen and write. 1b, 2a and 2b



step 5 知识拓展。 what do they mean?



step 6 巩固提高。pair work :talk about the weather. 1c

1)a: how’s the weather in ….b: it’s…..

2)group work: 小小气象员。



step 7 达标测试:让学生快速完成,相互批阅,教师点拨。

一、write down the right forms of the following words. 按要求写单词。(7')

1. sun (形容词2. take (-ing形式。

3. join (单数第三人称 (名词形式。

5. music (**家6. boring (反义词。


1、how's the weather there?

it's (rain).

2、the is shining. it'ssun)

3、there are a lot of in the sky. it'scloud)

4、it often (rain) in summer in my hometown.

5、the weather is (wind)and cold.

6、--what he (do)? he is playing computer (game).

7、--what are you doing? -i'm (watch)tv.

8、--how's it (go)? great!

9、thank you forjoin) our program..

10、look! they'relie) on the beach.

三、match the two halves of the dialogues. 会话配对。(5')

) 1. do you like cold weathera. it's cold.

) 2. how's the weather in moscowb. great!

) 3. what are you doingc. s-n-o-w.

) 4. how's it goingd. no, i don't.

) 5. how do you spell "snowe. i'm studying.

四、change the sentence patterns according to the requirements. 句型转换,一空一词。(10')

1. i'm playing computer games. (变否定句)

icomputer games.

2. they are watching tv. (变一般疑问句)

watching tv?

3. it's cloudy. (对划线部分提问)

___is the weather?

4. we are playing basketball. (对划线部分提问)

___are you

五、choose the right answers. 选择填空。(10')

)1.__jeff like oranges?

a. isb. do c. does

)2. aunt sarah __every day.

computer games computer games playing computer games

) 3.-how's the weather in harbin? -it's __

a. snow b. snowingc. snows

) 4. tom is __lunch.

a. h**eb. h**eingc. h**ing

)5. _do you want?

a. how much milk b. how much milks c. how many milk

sep 8 归纳总结。 summary

what h**e we learned this class? can you say it out?


how’s the weather today?

what’s the weather like today?

it’s sunny / cloudy / windy…..





七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

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