
发布 2020-03-26 10:50:28 阅读 5966



listening part(听力部分,40%)

一、 listen and choose. 你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的选项,把字母编号填在括号内。听前浏览选项,会让你做题更有把握。每个单词读两遍。 (10%)

) b. b. pen

) b. b. duck

) b. b. nose

) b. b. excuse

) b. brown b. grow

二、listen and choose. 你将听到一个句子,选择你所听到的选项,并把相应的字母编号填在括号里。每小题读两遍。 (10%)

) 1. a. lookb. bookc. cook

) 2. a. sweep b. sweetc. sleep

) 3. a. horseb. housec. mouse

) 4. a. december b. september c. october

) 5. a. helpfulb. healthyc. hard-working

) 6. a. went camping b. went fishing c. went swimming

) 7. a. mom isn’t at home. b. mom is at home. c. mom, let’s go home.

) 8. a. my uncle can’t play games today.

b. i can’t play football in the rain.

c. mike can’t come to my home today.

) 9. a. can i speak to your sister, please?

b. can i speak to your teacher, please?

c. can i speak to your grandma, please?

) 10. a. sarah watched tv last weekend.

b. sarah took pictures last weekend.

c. sarah bought gifts last weekend.

三、listen and choose. 你将听到一个句子或一组对话,根据听到的内容,回答问题。先浏览选项,有助于做出准确而快速的选择!每小题读两遍。(10%)

)1. what does the boy like2. what is he doing now?

abab ) 3. what can you see at the zoo4. what would the boy like to eat?

aba. b.

) 5. what does the man often do6. what is the weather

on the weekendlike?

aba. b.

) 7. what time is it now8. how old is he?

abab. ) 9. what’s the girl going to do on sunday10. what is she like?


abab.四、listen and write. 你将听到五组对话,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求。


1. teacher: how can we get to the

student: turn left at the

2. amy: what is your english teacher like? is she

chen: yes, she is. and she’s thin too. but she is very

3. zip: is there ain the

zoom: yes, there is.

4. teacher: did you clean the blackboard andyesterday?

liu yun: no, i didn’t. but iall the desks and chairs.

5. john: the elephant isthan the cow.

sarah: yes, you’re right. and it’stoo.

you are great!很棒哦!让我们继续挑战笔试部分吧!要认真审题哦!

writing part(笔试部分,55%)

五、read and choose. 选出不同类的单词。(10%)

) b. eraser c. shorter d. book

) b. talked c. washed d. cooked

) b. swimming c. swing d. writing

) b. ruler c. smaller d. younger

) b. busesc. cowsd. foot

六、read and choose. 选择恰当的句子补全对话。(每个只能用一次) (10%)

a. yes, i want a pair of shoes. b.

thank you. c. she is reading a bookd.

she is going to play the pipae. i saw many beautiful flowers.

) your mother doing ?

b ) did you see in the park ?

b ) i help you?

b ) school is beautiful.

b ) 5. a: what is sarah going to do this weekend ?


第七单元复习卷。一 组词。辩 奉托宣 辨 捧拖喧 忘 备容傍 妄 奋荣磅 巷 澈缸徽 港 撤卸微 二 写出近反义词。近义词 寻常更改责备 全神贯注 仍旧 反义词 寻常 违背 荒凉 骄傲 细致 责备 正确 全神贯注 三 按要求写成语 各写四个 1 形容人的精神和意志的。2 带有 一 字的。四 用修改符...


七 八单元复习卷。一 基础训练。1 照样子,写词语。头涔涔。伶伶俐俐。2 同音字练习。xi 应接不 美玉无 闻名 迩。ch 热 诚排 y n 旗息鼓 戏 盖。3 将下列四字词语补充完整。不遗 经久 旗 鼓。前 后 繁荣 朝 夕 朵朵 缕缕 漂泊 葬身 能 善 颇负 唐 宋 分外 大发 顶 立 低头 ...


一 基础训练。1.请连线。古稀之年50岁 而立之年60岁 天命之年40岁 弱冠之年30岁 花甲之年20岁 不惑之年70岁。2 精 神 描 写 言 语真 实 百 百 无 无 这些成语的特点是。3 诵读全诗,填空。三万里河东入海,五千仞岳上摩天。诗人采用了的修辞手法,突出表现了黄河 华山的气势。遗民泪尽...