
发布 2020-03-26 11:05:28 阅读 1030






)1. a. mayb. day c. say

)2. a. many b. baby c. lady

)3. a. thisb. east c. list

)4. a. loveb. life c. live

)5. a. betterb. matter c. letter



iii. 听录音,根据你所听到句子,选出恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分)

)11. a. yes, i am. b. i like milk. c. yes, please.

)12. a. sorry, you can’t. b. no, she can’t. c. yes, i can.

)13. a. at half past six. b. in march. c. it’s nine o’clock.

)14. a. we went to the museum. b. i saw a tall building. c. i went by car.

)15. a. yes, we do. b. good luck. c. great.



)16. a. museum b. station c. place

)17. a. sausage b. peanut c. picnic

)18. a. windb. lovely c. naughty

)19. a. million b. know c. meet

)20. a. fastb. losec. find

v. 单项选择。请将正确答案的标号写在题前的括号中。(每小题1分,共15分)

)21. there’s a man near a tree. that’s __dog.

a. hisb. herc. my

)22. —is this a yellow capit’s a red cap.

a. yes, it isb. no, it isn’t c. it’s yellow

)23. —does your uncle live in beijing or shanghai

a. yes, he does b. he lives in beijing c. no, he doesn’t

)24. february ismonth of the year.

a. the first b. the second c. two

)25. —here __the photo. —thank you.

a. isb. arec. to

)26. —what does your mother do

a. she’s nice b. she’s kind c. she’s a teacher

)27. yesterday was daming’s birthday. we __his birthday party.

a. go tob. went to c. come to

)28. tom wants to see a film. so he’s going to the

a. supermarket b. restaurant c. cinema

)29. —can i h**e __milk? —of course.

a. someb. anyc. a

)30. thank you __telling us this story.

a. tob. withc. for

)31school are you going to? —i’m going to park school.

a. whenb. where c. which

)32. my friend lingling __her bike every week.

a. ridesb. ridec. rode

)33. jack’s parents __for a walk after dinner last night.

a. gob. wentc. going

)34. my teacher often goes to school by bike, but she __goes by bus.

a. oftenb. always c. never

)35. —when are you going to h**e lunch

a. at ten to twelve b. jack c. it’s six


36. —can youwell? —yes, i can.

37. —what did you h**e fori had some bread.

38. please write down your name and your

39. —when are you going to the

at six o’ clock tomorrow morning.

40. —what do you do on thanksgiving day?

we always h**e a


)41. has sam got a bikea. we h**e a picnic.

)42. can i h**e some sweetsb. go straight on.

)43. what do you do at the weekend? c. that’s ok.

)44. i’m so sorryd. certainly. here you are.

)45. where’s the statione. yes, he has.


a: would you like to go to the shop with me?

b: sure!

a: look! _46___

b: yes, they are red, green, yellow, white and orange.

a: _47___

b: red.

c: _48___

a: the short one, please. how much is it?

c: _49___

a: okay. i will take it.

六年级复习卷 六

一 积累与运用。1 根据拼音写出相应的汉字。父母宠我,甚至n 爱我。由于我的性格mi nti n 为了鼓励我,他们经常夸赞我的手工技艺精zh n 对此,我心里满怀感激。2 下列句子中加点成语使用不当的一项是 a回答他的是夺眶而出的泪水和踉跄而去的背影。b不少的人对工作不负责任,拈轻怕重,把重担子推给...

六年级复习卷 六

一 积累与运用。1 根据拼音写出相应的汉字。父母宠我,甚至n 爱我。由于我的性格mi nti n 为了鼓励我,他们经常夸赞我的手工技艺精zh n 对此,我心里满怀感激。2 下列句子中加点成语使用不当的一项是 a回答他的是夺眶而出的泪水和踉跄而去的背影。b不少的人对工作不负责任,拈轻怕重,把重担子推给...


星期一。1 六年级图书角有图书270本,借出 借出多少本?2 人体共有206块骨头,其中手骨的块数占全身骨头的 手指骨的块数又占手骨的 人体的手指骨共有多少块?3 甲 乙两人要加工60个零件,上午甲加工了这批零件的 乙加工了这批零件的 甲 乙两人上午共加工了多少个零件?4 一块长方形的地,长16米,...