
发布 2020-03-22 23:42:28 阅读 8544




)1. a. soup b. breakfast c. dinner d. lunch

)2. a. what b. where c. how d. weather

)3. a. windy b. rainy c. snowy d. weather

)4. a. warm b. cool c. cold d. degree

) 5. a. china b. new york c. london d. moscow

) 6. a. living room b. music room c. art room d. computer room

)7. a. classroom b. library c. playground d. teacher’s office

) 8. a. go home b. get up c. pe class d. go to bed

) 9. a. one b. five c. too d. nine

) chinese b. english c. math d. class


)1. lunch a. 午饭 b.早饭 c. 正餐( )2. library a.图书馆 b. 操场 c. 作业

)3. cool a. 凉的 b. 热的 c. 冷的 ( 4. cloudy a.多云的 b. 多风的 c. 多雨的。

)5. sunny a. 阳光 b. 下雪的 c. 阳光充足的。


( )1. second floor ( 2. go to bed3.

computer room ( 4. english class ( 5. go home a.

计算机房b. 英语课c. **睡觉d.

回家e. 二楼。


) 1. it’s __the first floor. a. on b. to c. in

) 2. it’s time toa. go home b. goes home c. go to home

) 3.__i go outside? a. can b. am c. are

) 4.__time is ita. where b. what c. what’s

) the weather like __beijing? a. on b. in c. at

) 6. is this the __office? a. teacher b. teachers’ c. teacher’

) 7. do you h**e __art room? a. a b. an c. /

) 8. –is this the librarya. no, it isn’t. b. no, it is. c. yes, it isn’t.

) 9. can i h**e some soupa. yes, you can. b. no, it isn’t. c. yes, it is.

) 10. it’s time __go to bed. a. to b. for c. at


)1. can i go outside now? a. 几点了?

)2. do you h**e a library? b. 那是操场。

)3. that is the playground. c.天冷吗?

)4. is it coldd你们学校有图书馆吗?

)5. what’s the timee.现在我能出去吗?

六、从下列单词中选择合适的单词填在四线三格中 (10分)

on the second floor. this way, please.

6:oo it’s time for

the weather report. it’sin harbin. it’s 2 degrees.

4. the water isi can swim outside.

5. time for lunch. let’s h**e someand chicken.

七、选择正确的答语 (10分)

) the library?

) is rainy today?

) time is it?

) i go outside now?

) the weather like in beijing?

八、阅读短文,完成**间的连线。 (10分) x|k | b| 1 . c |o |m

a. hello! i’m pat.

this is my day. it’s six forty. it’s time to get up.

it’s seven o’clock. it’s time to go to school. it’s eleven thirty.

it’s time for lunch. it’s four twenty. it’s time to go home.

it’s eight thirty. it’s time to go to bed.

b. good morning. it’s time for “the weather report”.

here’s the world weather. today it’s cool and windy in beijing. it’s hot and sunny in new york.

it’s cold and rainy in london. it’s warm and cloudy in sydney. it’s cold and snowy in moscow.


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马山口镇2011 2012学年四年级上册。英语期终试卷分析。一年一度紧张繁忙的期终考试又结束了,针对这次我镇考试情况,结合学生实际,特对试卷作出如下分析 1 试题的特点。四年级英语试题符合学生实际,着重从听说两方面对学生进行测试,以提高学生的素质为目的,注重学生知识的应用 1 注重了基础知识的考查。...