
发布 2020-03-21 10:38:28 阅读 5571

四年级英语深圳英语配套家庭练习册 1

11. 听一听,选出最佳答案。

) 1. a. yes, l dob. l get up every dayc. l get up at six the morning.

) 2. a. yes, l do. b. yes, l am. c. yes, l can.

) 3. a. yes, l do. b. l h**e dinner c. l do it in the morning

1. pat正指着**向朋友们介绍她每天的生活习惯,请你根据**帮她写出英语短语。

1. 刷牙2. 洗脸3. 梳头。

4. 写作业5. 整理书包6. 整理衣服。

11. 你能帮助pat按括号里的要求写出相应的词吗?

1. early (反义词2. teeh (单数。

3. in the morning (对应词组。

4. get up (对应词组。

5. wash (单数第三人称形式6. get (现在分词)

7. 12:30 (用两种方式表达。

111. 和pat一起来选一选,将正确答案的字母编号写在题前的括号里。

)1. l usually get uptensunday morning.

a. at; in b. at; on c. on; on

)2. when do you ?

a. go to bed b. go to the bed c. go bed)

)3. pather homework every day.

a. finish b. finishing c. finishes

)4pat breakfast at home?

a. do; h**e b. does; h**e c. does; has

)5. how do you wash your face?

a. many b. much c. often

1. “how of﹢en does tim…? 听一听tim的生活习惯,圈出你听到的内容。

brush his teeth 1∕day 2∕day 3∕day 4∕day

wash his face 1∕day 2∕day 3∕day 4∕day

comb his hair 1∕day 2∕day 3∕day 4∕day

wash the dishes 1∕week 2∕week 5∕week 8∕week

water the plants 1∕week 2∕week 3∕week 5∕week

set the table 1∕week 2∕week 5∕week 8∕week


111. 听问句,选答句。

)1. a . l get up at six thirty in the morning.

b. l wash my face at 8 0’clock.

c. l brush my teeth at 7 forty in the morning.

)2. a. l go to school. b. l do my homework.

c. l brush my teeth.

)3. a. yes, l am. b. yes, l can c. yes, l do.

)4. a. yes, he does. b. no, you don’t c. yes, l am.

)5. a. l wash my face twice a day.

b. l comb my hair once a day.

c. l brush my teeth twice a day.

1. 请你用给出单词的正确形式填空。

1. shego) to school every day.

2. patwash) her facetwo) a day.

3. how oftendo) she wash her face?

4. she waters the plants threetime) a week.

5. does she finish her homework? yes, shedo).

11. 下列每句中均有一处错误,请找出并改正。

)1. lt’s saturday. there’s no school today

a b c )2. susan waters the plants two times a week

a b c )3. my brother usually h**e breakfast at home

a bc )4. l brush my tooth every day

a b c )5. peter’s mother works in hospital


does candy brush her

sheher teeth once a day.

shethe dishes fivea week.

shethe plants threea week.

shegood habits.

1. 听一听,找出句中所含有的单词。

)1. a. teab. teeth c. tooth

)2. a. rabbit b. habit c. hat

)3. a. finish b. finger c. fish

)4. a. packet b. pocket c. pack

)5. a. comb b. come c. coat


1. tim’s mother is in

2. after thatyour hat.

3. tim’sgets tim’sand shoes.

4. his schoolbag istoo.

5tim.1. 小小翻译家,你来试一试吧,将下列英汉词组或句子进行互译。

1. 住院2. 赶快。

3. 到上学的时间了4. 穿上。

5. twice a day6. silly me

7. there’s no school today8. come on

11. 你知道介词有哪些吗?用正确的介词填一填。

1. piease listen me.

2. brush your teeth the morning and the evening.


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