
发布 2020-05-31 18:50:28 阅读 9642



1. s___nny 2. w__ ther 3. gr__ n 4. br__ kfast

5. w__ll 6. b__g 7. r__ ny 8. g__ den

9. g__m 10. th__ teen


)1、 a、 not b home c hot

( )2 a apple b bag c cake

( )3 a orange b old c open

( )4 a bike b five c dinner

( )5 a pen b eleven c ten

二、选择填空。( 10 分 )

)1、look at those boots . how much __they ?

a. isb. am c. are

)2. this is my father . he looks very __

a. short hair b. long c. strong

)3. can i wear my shirt ? yes , you

a. can b. are c. can’t

)4. it’s snowy in harbin . it is very___too .

a. cold b. rainy c. hot

)5. what are your parents ? they are___

a. farmer b. teacher c. doctors

)6. i want a pair___sneakers___my mother .

a. \for b. of for c. for of

)7. _shoes are they ? they are my brother’s .

a. whose b. what c. where

)8. how many___are there in your family ?

a. student b. member c. people

)9. it is five o’clock . it’ s time___go home .

a. for b. toc. of

)10. —is this bag? —it's red.

a. what b. whose c. where d. what colour

三、 b栏里找出a栏的正确答句,把它的字母编号写在对应的问句前的括号里。( 10 分 )

ab )1. are they your parentsa. thirty yuan .

)2. what is the weather like today ? h. i am eleven .

)3. how much is the nice shirt ? c. no . it’ s time for math .

)4. is it time for englishd. no , they aren’ t .

)5. whose dresses are thosej. i’ d like some chicken .

)6. what are thesef. they are my mother’ s .

)7. how old are youg. she’ s a nurse .

)8. how many erasers do you h**e ? b. they are hens .

)9. what would you like for dinner ? i. i h**e nine .

)10. what’ s your mothere. it’ s cloudy and cool .

四、根据图画内容,单词首写字母以及中文提示填上正确的单词。( 10 分 )

welcome to my bedroom .in my b卧室)you can see a chair , a d___课桌)and a b___床). look , there is a pencil—case ,a c电脑)and a lamp on the desk .

in the pencil—case there are three钢笔).

五、 请将括号内单词的字母重新排列顺序,组成新单词,填在横线上,使句子能完整达意。(10分)

are (n, e, t)books on the table.

are (t, o,n)in class 4.

to (t, e, e, m)you!

and mary are in the (e ,a, m ,s)class.

morning, mum. good morning, (a, d ,d).


colour is the dress ?

time is it ?

many fans are there in your classroom ?

4. how much are the socks ?

the skirt cheap ?


1、mr li is our a __

3.i likeand

5. how manycan you see? i can see nine.

is my uncle .he’s a

7. i can see twoin the

8. john and mike are good

9. this is myit’s big.


41. william is a manager in a company. he is a vip. vip是什么意思?

a. 高个子的人b. 重要的人

42. i am an animal. i can climb the tree quickly.

i like bananas very much. i am clever. my face looks like a man’s.

what am i? i am a(n

43. look at the pictures, please. find the missing one. (看图,找出缺失的那一个。)

44. look at the picture, please. a cat sat (坐) on the mat (席子) and a bat sat on the cat.

what sat on the bat?

45. the duck is thinking about the following question. please help it move a match and get the right answer.





学校班级姓名。一 看中文写英语单词。四会 57 1 计算机2 写字板3 灯。4 图画5 七6 夹克衫。7 今天8 牛仔裤9 下雪的 10 西瓜11 梨12 衬衫。13 蓝色的14 白色的15 短裙。16 凉爽的17 暖和的18 小的。19 短的20 晴朗的21 长裤。22 绿色的23 袜子24 黄色...


主持人1 hello,boys and girls.主持人2 老师们,同学们,大家好。欢迎大家来参加我们的英语知识竞赛。主持人1 下面请允许我来介绍一下参赛的四个方队,他们分别是四一班,四二班,四三班和我们的四四班。以及本次比赛我们公正的记分员 miss liu 和计时员miss wei。主持人2 ...


坎市白土小学2017 2018学年上期。满分 100分考试时间 100分钟。一 看拼音写词语。8分 j n y n gu l y ng y p q l ngzh o c n l n f it n h n j 二 用 给带点的字选出正确的读音。6分 风号浪吼 h o h o 厌恶 w 枝折花落 zh ...