
发布 2020-03-20 19:45:28 阅读 5754





1. 词汇 :

2. 短语:

clean the classroom clean the teacher’s desk clean the windows

clean the desks clean the door clean the blackboard


1. let’s clean the classroom. let me clean the teacher’s desk .

let me clean the windows. let me help you .

2. this is ..this is the new classroom.

3. the door is yellow.

the desks are green .

4. i likei like my classroom.

5。 where is the在**?

where is the green book? it is under the teacher’s desk.

where is the kite? it is near the window.


1. 名词的单数和复数; window—windows desk- desks


1. let’s =let us 让我们 let me 让我

2. is , are 都表示是,单数用is, 复数用are.

3. 介词的用法:under 在。。下面 near 在。。旁边 on 在。。上面


1. 单词拼读能力的培养; 2. 单词记忆能力的形成;

3. 主要句型的掌握和灵活运用; 4. 词类语法的初步了解和掌握;


1. 早晨大声朗读4-8页内容,背诵后家长检查签字;

2. 制作单词卡片70页 fan- help,并拼读1单元单词每天2次;(家长说汉语,学生说英语;或家长指单词,学生说汉语)

3. 抄写黑体单词每个3次,家长听写后签字;


随堂练习 一填入is , are ;

1. the door yellow.

2. the desks green .

3. where the kite?

4. where the pictures?

5. it in the desk.


desk kite window classroom light

picture blackboard door computer fan

wall floor

翻译句子:课本第5页 let’s do

open the doorturn on the light.

close the windowput up the picture.

clean the blackboard.

课本第7页 let’s talk

let’s clean the classroom . ok .

let me clean the teacher’s desk.

let me clean the classroom .

let me hep youthank you .

课本第7页let’s play

let’s clean th classroom。 ok.

let me clean the teacher’s desk.。

let me clean the blackboard。

课本第8页let’s learn

look! this is the new classroom.

the door is orange.

课本第8页colour and say

this is my classroom.

the door is yelllow.

the desks are green.

i like my classroom.


尊敬的各位家长 亲爱的孩子们姓名。大家好!上上节课大家的单词记忆不太理想,很多孩子被老师课后留下进行重新记忆,通过上次的老师的重点强调,上次课孩子们的单词记忆的有了非常显著的进步!大部分孩子都是满分!而且背课文大家也特别积极地来老师这里检查!特别表扬以下几位同学 徐丽雅 王彦程梁致远王雅欣杨京涛 一...


尊敬的各位家长 亲爱的孩子们 教学目标 1.要求会通过音标拼读和记忆,达到识词知义和默写运用的能力 1页课文 1.能够用标准的发音朗读文章和背诵文章 2.掌握文章 现的词汇,短语及语法现象 二 知识点 日常用语 excuse me.这个短语常用于与陌生人搭话,打断别人的说话或从别人身边记过。pard...


雨璐外语学校5上作业单 unt1 part a 新版 尊敬的家长 亲爱的孩子们 大家好!进入5年级后,黑体单词要求默写,请家长积极配合做好听写工作 一 本次复习内容 1.词汇 old young kind strict funny polite hard working helpful clever...