
发布 2020-03-18 17:35:28 阅读 3411

unit 5what would you like?



unit 5what would you like?

words: rice ,fish,beef,suop,vegetable

sentence:can i h**e some….please? sure,.here you are.

教学目标。知识目标】学生能听说认读六个食物类单词:rice、fish、beef、soup、noodles、vegetable,并能做到发音正确、规范;结合已学句型can i h**e some…?




听说认读rice ,beef,noodles,fish,soup,vegetable六个食物类单词;在真实情景中自如使用句型can i h**e some…?sure. here you are.

vegetable的发音及句型can i h**e some…? sure. here you are.在实际情景中的综合运用。

pictures, word cards,cai etc.

教学过程。step 1 warm-up(1)free talk

备注t: hello, boys and girls. nice to meet you.

歌曲导入,活跃ss: nice to meet you too.

课堂气氛。(2)sing a songt: let’s h**e a picnic today.

step 2 presentation/practice

1)t : today we will learn something about food.

look, what’s this?

趣味猜单词,发cai shows:kfc

散思维,学生个t: what’s in the kfc?


并对学生进行提问;do you like…?学生回答:i like….

老师就将这个食物**给学生并说;here you


i like chicken, i like chicken

hamburger,hot dog and bread.

i like coke,i like coke

milk ,juce and tea


3)t:we like kfc. kfc is western food。

(cai出示中西餐厅)i like chinese food very , what arethey? who can read for me?以此来引出让学生来读出fish,rice,noodles,beef,soup,vegetable的教学。

新单词,发挥学强调soup ,vegetable的教学。生的主体作用,避免机械性教学。(4)stage 1 lucyy wheel要求学生根据图here ,you can play three times.

if you can say the片读出单词,强words correctly, you can score.调学生的参与意识,并鼓励学生stage 2 turn up cards进行自我评价。here,you can turn up one card and say the 让学生认读单词,训练学生的认读能力。

(5)t:oh,nowi’m hungry.走到手持卡片的一位学生的旁边问:

can i h**e some hamburgers, please?学生回答:sure.

here you are .将句型板书在黑板上。can i h**e someplease?

sure. here you are.师领读,学生跟读。


老师说:oh,i’m still hungry ,too. can i h**e somebread and juice,please?

学生说sure. here you are.老师说thank you.

学生说you’re welcome.加板书:canih**esome and please?

sure. here you welcome.学生演示,替换操练。

(6)stage3 go fishinghere ,you should find a partner and talk with your学生两人合作完partner. you can score if you speak fluently.成,认读句子并fish 1:

can i h**e some ,please?相互交流。根据sure.

here you are.句子的难易程度fish 2 : can i h**e some and , please?

获得不同的分sure. here you are.数。

本站培养学thank you.生的合作能力和you’re welcome.语言运用能力。

fish 3 : can i h**e someand ,please?sure.

here you 3 4情境表演:《小熊请客》here is a story. if you can act it with your通过整体感知故friends ,you can score.

事,培养学生用老师引入故事:英语思维的能is a dog,monkey,pig,duck,bird,squirrel. little bear力,在小组合作中培养合作精food.

let’s help them.神,在故事表演老师请一位学生扮演小熊,老师扮演小狗并说:canih**e中培养学生的创some rice?

小熊回答:sure. here you are.


unit 5what would you like?

a. let’s learn

design a menu for

can i h**e some….,please?

yourself,then talk with your板书。

sure . here you are.

partner. use: can i h**e设计。

thank you.

some….?sure. here you are.

you’re welcome.



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