四年级 上册

发布 2020-03-18 17:03:28 阅读 4859

lesson 1 i can swim

part i. grammar focus

1. 重点句型:含情态动词can 的句型及转换。(can: 情态动词+v原)

陈述句:i can swim.

否定句: i can’t swim. can’t=can not

一般疑问句:can you swim?

简答: yes, i can./ no, i can’t.

特殊疑问句:what can you see?

2. 动词及词组:swim游泳 skate溜冰 ride a bike骑自行车。

my leg 弯曲我的腿,bend在这里当弯曲讲。

up 向上跑,up在这里是介词,向下。

run down向下跑 up---down 反义词。

lesson 2 what’s on the desk?

part i. grammar focus

1. 方位介词:on在···之上 in 在···里(方位介词表位置和地点的介词)

on the desk 在书桌上 in the desk在书桌里。

2. 重点句型:what开头的特殊疑问句,通常用来询问“什么”

what’s on the table? it’s a pen.

what on the table?(f)

3. guess的意思。

4. a an 用法 a book an umbrella

5. it you (f) it’s you (t)

6. what’s=what is


some books一些书 some water 一些水。

clock?是省略句,完整应为:is it a clock?

lesson 3 is this your pencil-box?

part i. grammar focus

1. what’s this/that? it’s a pen.(this指离说话人近,这,这个,that指离说话人较远,那,那个)

2. 重点句型:陈述句:this is a pencil-box.

否定句:this is not a pencil-box.

一般疑问句:is this a pencil-box?

简答:yes, it is./no, it isn’t.

特殊疑问句:what’s this?

3. it’s= it is




5.掌握一些文具名词:eraser ruler sharpener knife pen pencil pencil-box

6.问颜色的句型:what colour is it ?it’s blue.

lesson 4 a happy family

part i. grammar focus


陈述句he is tomshe is eve.

否定句:he is not tomshe is not eve.

一般疑问句:is he tomis she eve ?

简答:yes, he is./ no, he isn’tyes, she is./ no, she isn’t.

特殊疑问句:who is hewho is she?

2. glad to see you. (介词to) =nice to meet you

3. this is my pen.(不是 me,my物主代词,表示所有关系的名词,当定语用,含my your his her our their)

4. this is my friend, tom.(介绍人时用this is)

5.掌握住表称谓的名词:mother/mum father/dad brother sister aunt uncle grandfather/grandpa grandmother/grandma

在这里当实意动词“有”,还可以当“吃”讲:h**e supper

表示“也”,通常放在句尾,前面有逗号隔开,too还可以放在形容词前修饰形容词表“太···too cold 太冷了。

lesson 5 what can you see?

part i. grammar focus

1. 重点句型:陈述句:i can see a book on the box/in the book.

否定句:i can not see a book on the box/in the book.

一般疑问句:can you see a book on the box/in the book?

简答:yes, i can./ no, i can’t.

特殊疑问句:what can you see on the box/in the book?

2. i can see three birds. (对划线部分提问) how many birds can you see?

(询问“多少”, how many后加可数名词复数,how much 后加不可数名词)

i read it?情态动词can在这里表示请求许可。

can you see a pig?这里的can表能力,是否看到。

the book在书里,书上的内容,不是on the book

5.掌握一些动物单词:cow dog goat chick horse duck cat hen pig sheep bee

green tree :green 形容词在这里做定语,修饰名词tree

lesson 6 are you a doctor?

part i. grammar focus

1. 重点句型:陈述句:you are a doctor.

否定句:you are not a doctor.(be动词后加not表否定)

一般疑问句:are you a doctor?

简答:yes, i am./ no, i’m not.

3. let’s=let us

4. 掌握一些表职业的名词。worker teacher nurse doctor cook

5. hurt:受伤,在课文中my leg hurts.单三形式。

6. mr bird注意人名都要大写。

7. tall---short反义词。

8. 区别:who is she ? she is eve.(who开头的特殊疑问句,问的是谁)

what is she? she is a teacher.(what开头的特殊疑问句,问的是职业)

a doctor 看医生。

lesson 7 let’s play school

part i. grammar focus

1. 重点句型:陈述句:we are in class two grade four. (先班后级,班级年级首字母大写)

否定句:we are not in class two grade four.

一般疑问句:are you in class two grade four?

简答: yes, we are./ no, we aren’t.(you可指你,你们)

特殊疑问句:what grade are you in ?

2. miss li is our teacher.(对划线部分提问)

who is our teacher?(who 引导的特殊疑问句,通常用来询问“谁”,注意区别whose引导的特殊疑问句,通常用来询问“谁的”)

3. i can sing. (对划线部分提问)what can you do?(l1提到,复习讲解)

4. sit down.(变为否定句)don’t sit down.(祈使句前加don’t变否定句)

school 玩学校的游戏。


sb. do sth.祈使句,让某人做某事,let后面要跟人称代词的宾格形式。

lesson 8 what’s the time?

part i. grammar focus

1. 重点句型:掌握时间的两种问法what’s the time?=what time is it?

it’s two.(整点回答)

it’s seven eight.(第一个数字表小时,后一个表分钟。)

2. thank you.的回答方式that’s all right.或you’re welcome.或not at all.

3. it’s sunday today.(星期的首字母大写)

4. you are late.(变否定句)--you are not late.(be动词后面加not)



棒极了。lesson 9 where is my dog?

part i. grammar focus

1. 重点句型:where开头的特殊疑问句,通常用来询问“地点”

where is my dog?

it’s under a chair.

2. we can help you find him.(宾格he—him i –me she—her you—you it—it they—them we—us)

3. 介词: in behind under on near-- next to – by (这三个介词表示越来越近)(on the tree树上本身长的 in the tree 在树上)


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