
发布 2020-03-18 09:04:28 阅读 7784




i love reading, the book is a bright window, opened it, to beable to read other people"s happiness and sorrow. i like readin**ery much, i was a little bookworm.




when i was about eight years old, i borrowed a book fromthe home to the students, the book named "the romance of thethree kingdoms", home has more than eight points, i lay in bed,lookedatthetime,ijustsawthewarcaocaoguanyu,themother, she put a quilt, said: "this book es from where? "i said:

"thisismyspeechon"threekingdoms"fromhometothestudents borrowed. "in the evening, i took the book to the nest,continued to see cao cao sword fights guan yu, and mother wasfound, the mother picked up the book, as if to give me to burn. ihurried back to mom, don"t make me, next time i don"t read inbed.

i won the f**orite book, it is long time friend, i like riding ahorse without reins of the horse, the vicissitudes of life in the bookof the world tr**el, enjoy their love and hate.


my f**ourite book我最爱的书。

i enjoy reading different kinds of books, but "harry porter" ismy f**orite one. the story is very long but i am interested in it..hisz-shapedscarandmagicstickbrought me into a magical world.

in fact, the fiction story is someaningful that i can learn a lot from it. i think it‘s the best booki‘ve ever read.

my dream job我梦想的工作。

whenigrowup,i"" i could that enjoy. there are lots of art exhibitions there. iwant to be an artist .

so how am i going to do it? first, i"mgoingto find a part-time job for a year or tow and s**e some i"m going to be a student at an art school in paris.

my little rabbits我的小兔子。

one day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. i’m veryhappy.

from that on, the two little rabbits became my good marvellous.

everyday, find them. i asked my mother: ”where are they?

”mymother told me that she didn’t know. at last, i found them in thegrass. they were very dirty.

i was angry, but when i looked at theirlovely faces, i was happy again.

i love my little rabbits, and they love me. they are my goodfriends forever.

the tree in front of my house我房前的树。

there is a tall tree in front of my house. i love it very spring es, the thick le**es make the tree beautiful and in summer, my parents and i often sit under the big tree andenjoy the cool air.

but when autumn es, the le**es will turn yelow, and fall fromthe tree. and then, it stands there in the cold wind alone. i am sad,too.

mother tells me the tree wil grow bigger and taller in the ingspring. i feel happy again.

my christmas day我的圣诞节。

i am going to h**e a busy weekend ! on saturday , i"m goingto clean my room and do homework. then , in the evening , i "mgoingtothesupermaketwithmymother .

onsaturday,i"mgoing to the bookstore on foot . i"m going to buy some " i"m going to watch tv. that will be fun!

what aboutyou? what are you going to do on the weekend?

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