
发布 2020-03-18 09:29:28 阅读 9075


lesson 1 we can dance 导学案。


2.学习let’s talk,并熟背课文。


重点: 情态动词can的意思及用法。


一、 words

friend 朋友 swim游泳 head头 leg腿 dance跳舞 touch触摸 bend弯曲。

二、 let’s talk

hi,my little friends!

hi,miss fish!

let’s swim , ok?

oh, we can’t swim.

can you touch your head and bend your leg?

no, we can ‘t. but we can dance.

we can dance, too. let’s dance.


课文讲解:1. little 小的。

2. let’s= let us 让我们。

3. can(情态动词)可以,能够。

重要语法:can + v.原形。

三、 let’s learn

can you sing?

yes, we can./no, we can’t.

practise: dance swim ride a bike

四、 let’s act

hi, bird! can you fly?

yes, i can.

can you swim?

no, i can’t.

五、 语法句型。


-can you……?

-yes, i can. /we can.(肯定)

-no, i can’t. /we can’t. (否定)



)1. a. friend b. bend c. head

)2. a. hop b. up c. skip

)3. a. read b. ride c. bread

)4. a. look b. good c. book

)5. a. what

2 )将下列句子补充完整。

1.—can he swim? —no, he __

2you bend your leg? —yes, i can.

you___a bike?

cat! i can swim. can you___too?

3 )英汉互译。

1. 让我们去跳舞吧。

2. 我们可以唱的很好。

3. touch you head

4. fly a kite

5. 你会骑自行车吗?


dick is eleven. he has a sister and her name is anna. she is twelve.

dick and his sister are in the same school. their father and mother are teachers. their father is an english teacher and their mother is a chinese teacher.

their mother likes fruit. but she doesn’t like lemons. their father likes vegetables.

but he doesn’t like carrots.

) has a little brother.

)2. anna’s parents are both(都) teachers.

)3. dick’s father likes carrots.

)4. dick’s mother likes lemons.


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