
发布 2020-03-22 23:34:28 阅读 6215



一、 英汉互译,将正确的词序号写对应的括号里。(20分)

上车在湖面上下国际象棋( )画画快餐多少钱?( 打开( )跑得快( )

骑自行车( )电影院。

1. cinema 2. draw pictures fast a bike chess the lake much…..on on food


)1. a. train b. school

)2. b .draw c. chess

)3. a .china b. read c. talk

)4. a. supermarket b. train c. sam

)5. a. cake b. rice c. run

)6. a. cooking b. ****** c. dumpling

)7. a. sky b. up c. down

)8. a .kid b. soup

)9. a. read b. listen c. star

)10. potato b. tomato c. light

三、在b组中找出a组意思相近的句子或短语。将正确的词序号写在括号里。( 20分)

ab )1. take picturesa. 做蛋糕。

( )2、look at the clockb. 给你。

)3、make a cakec. 当然

)4、of coursed. 照相。

)5、here you aree. 看一看钟表。

ab )6、tomato and eggf.不想吃,谢谢。

)7. make noodlesg. 不客气。

)8. you’re welcomeh.你想吃米饭吗?

)9. do you want some ricei. 做面条。

)10. no , thank youj. 西红柿和鸡蛋。

四、选择填空,将正确答案序号填在每题横线上。( 20分)

) 1. i live __no.2 park street.

a. in b. at

) 2. –are you doing?

i’m listening to music.

a. what b. when

) 3. look ! he is .

a. runing

4. how much it?

a. isb. are

) 5. what you doing , mum?

a. areb. is

)6. look at girls.

a. thisb. these

)7. they’re chess.

a. playb. playing

)8.—what the tigers doing?

they jumping.

a. is , are b. are ,are

9. –do you want some juice?

a. yes , i am. b. yes, please!

) 10. daming ride fast.

a. cann’t b. can`t


1. you, run , fast,can(?)

2. you , want , some,do , sweets (?

3. are, what , you, doing (?

4. it , much , is , how (?

5. pictures, he’s, taking (.



a. this is a train.

b. the station is here.

c. the train is at the station


a. thank you!

b. excuse me!

c. good morning


a. okb. they are doing taijiquan.


a. mum,i am hungry.

am ****** dumplings.


a. do you want some dumplings?

are you doing?


a. no, thank please.


a. can i help you?

you help me?


a. this is xiaoming’bookb .this is xiaoming’bag.


a. you can’t run fastb. you can run fast.


a. look at the people on the boat.

b. look at the people on the lake.


小学四年级英语词汇 第三册 n.纸 piece n.片 a piece of 一片,一张 ink n.墨水 bottle n.瓶 a bottle of 一瓶 water n.水 bread n.面包 give vt.vi.给 me pron.我 宾格 please adv.请 here adv.这...


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