
发布 2020-03-13 18:29:28 阅读 7556

unit 3 i’m more outgoing than my sister.

1、 区别both; either; neither

both… “两者都” 谓语动词用复数 both students are late for school.

both 位置:行前be 后。

both of them / us = they / we both

not both 为部分否定,全部否定要用 either…not或者neither

both…and…= not only…but ( also ) 否定为:neither…nor

either…or… “两者中任何一个” either + 可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数。

either side wants to end the war on its own terms. 双方都想按自己的条件结束战争。

neither…nor… “两者中任何一个都不” neither + 可数名词单数,谓语动词用单数。

neither boy is my students. 两个男孩子都不是我的学生。

2、 win“赢”;beat“打败” win + match / prize beat + sb. /team / group

3、 make + 宾语 + 名词 we made him our monitor.

make + 宾语 + 形容词 the red dress made betty beautiful.

make + 宾语 + do his performance makes me laugh.

make it 约定时间,做成某事,及时抵达 let’s make it at 10:00. /don’t worry. he’ll make it.

make a movie 拍电影make a fire 生火make money 赚钱。

make peace 讲和make progress 取得进步make up one’s mind 下决心。

4、 as long as 只要;既然as soon as 一旦….就。

as well as 而且;还as + adj. /adv. +as possible 尽可能…地。

5、 it is + n. /adj. +for sb. to do sth. (adj修饰to do sth.)for表示对于某人来说。

it is + adj. +of sb. to do sth. (adj修饰sb.)of表示人物性格特征。

it takes sb. some money / time to do sth.

sb. spend some time / money on / doing sth.

sth. cost sb. some money

6、break in 闯入,插嘴break through 突围break with sb. 与某人断交

break the law/ rules/ world record 违法/违规/打破世界纪录break away from 摆脱,脱离。

h**e a break 休息break off 打断break into 破门而入。

break down 出故障break out 爆发break one’s words食言。

7、be similar to sb. =be like 与…相似be similar in 在某方面相像。

the same as→be different from

8、care about 对….感兴趣(be interested ini don’t care about music.

担心,关心(be worried about) we should care about other people’s problems.

在意,在乎(mindi don’t care about the matter.

care for 喜爱,宠爱(likeyou don’t care for helen, do you?

牵挂,注重(be concerned/ worried about)he cares only for himself.

愿意要….(like to h**e / wantwould you care for some coffee?

照料,服侍(look afterwho is going to care for our sick friend?

9、make a ( no ) difference 有(没有)差别;有(没有)影响;起(不起)作用。

10、be good with = get on / along well with 善于与…相处 be good at v-ing = do well in 擅长于。

be good / friendly / nice / kind to 对…好be good for 对…有益处→be bad for对…有害。


play with 与…一起玩儿talk with 与…交谈。

be angry with 对…生气get on well with 与…相处融洽。

compare with 与…比较begin with 以…开始。

with the help of 在…帮助之下make friends with 与…交朋友

12、loudly 大声地,响亮地(多含噪音之意)

aloud 大声地,出声地(强调出声) read aloud / call aloud for help

loud adv. 大声地,高声地,常与speak,shout,laugh,talk连用。

adj. 响亮的,大声的 loud voice

13、fast 强调速度快 run/ drive fast

quickly 强调动作、行动快。

soon 强调时间间隔短。

14、competition 体育,书法,朗读,**等比赛。

match 体育竞技比赛,球类比赛。

race 速度方面的竞赛,赛跑,赛龙舟等。

15、ago 以前,用于一般过去时,放在一段时间后。

before 在……以前,通常用于完成时,放在时间点或事件之前。

16、true/ truly 指故事、说法、答案等与标准事实、实际情况相符。

real/ really 指人或事客观存在,不是想象的。

17、be popular with sb. 受某人欢迎 be popular in/ at 在某地受欢迎。

18、bring out 使显现出。

19、share sth. with sb. 和某人分享。

20、other “其他的,另外的”,后接名词复数,有时other +名词复数 = others

another “又一(个),另一(个)”,泛指总数为三个或三个以上中的任意一个,后接名词单数。

the other“(两者中的)另一个”,常与one连用,“one…the other…”表示“一个…,另一个…”

21、heart 心;心脏 learn sth. by heart 用心记 lose heart 灰心。

22、laugh 发笑 laugh at 嘲笑。

smile 微笑 smile at 对…微笑。


news【uc】 广播、电视等报道的新闻、消息(强调新鲜、及时)a piece of news

message【c】 口信、短信、信息(强调传递)take a message for sb. /le**e a message to sb.

24、who do you think should get the job? =in your opinion, who should get the job?



两者相比较用比较级 eg:who do you think is more outgoing,lily or lucy?

very,more,quite,so,too等修饰原级;much,a little,a lot,a bit,far ,even等修饰比较级

eg:i’m much/ a little / a lot / a bit /far more outgoing than my sister.

i’m even worse now.


eg:he is taller than any other student in his class.

china is larger than any country in africa.


eg:the weather in harbin is much colder than that in wuhan.

the students of class one study harder than those of class two.

my bike is newer than tom’s.

比较级**现of the two/ twins结构时,adj比较级前要+the,不可用than

eg:tom is the taller of the two brothers.


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