
发布 2020-03-11 15:34:28 阅读 5231

句子翻译。1.这部电影有助于帮你了解中国的过去和现在。this film helps youchinas __and2.这幢教学大楼已经投入使用5年了。

this teaching building hasforfive years. 3.深圳已经变成了一个现代化城市。

shenzhen hasa modern city. 4.实际上,她是个初中生。


the plane has6.这是我在中国的第二天。

this isin china. 7.即使你不说,我也猜到它的意思。

icanguessitsmeaningyoudonttellme. 8.你到过多少个中国的名胜。





it was thewhen wewon the match. 12.我从来没有看过如此多的大象。

ive never seenelephants. 13.我太激动以致不能停止鼓掌。

i was __excited __i couldntmyhands. 14.旅行社会为你计划一切的。

the tr**el agency willfor you. 15.当表演者穿过公园时你在干什么?

what __you___when the performers werethe park? 16.刘德华将在这部电影中演主角。




the mistakes arered.20. -你介意告诉我如何用这个功能吗? -不介意。

do youme how to use this___no


li lei: excuse me. 1

mr. smith: yes. and you are..

li lei: i’m li lei. your friend miss wu is busyat the moment.

she asks me to meet you. welcome tohangzhou, mr. smith.

mr. smith: thank you.

li lei: bythe way,2

1998 for the first time. li lei: 3

mr. smith: i like it very much.

it’ s verybeautiful and famous in the world. and the people hereare quite friendly. 4

li lei: i’m glad you like the city. and nowhangzhou is becoming more and more beautiful. 5

mr. smith: i think so.

thank you very much formeeting me. li lei: it’s a pleasure.

a. i’m glad tosee you.

h**e a good time. d. are you mr. smith from australia?e. is this your first visit to


f. it’sa nice place to would you like to visit hangzhou?(二)

a1)b:yes,b: i usually use it to search the internet. a:why? b3)

a4) b: every

b: i like it very much. its very how do you like your computer?

b. what do you usually use your computer for? it is fast and easy.

d. do you h**e a computer at home? e. how oftendo you use your computer?


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