
发布 2020-03-11 15:35:28 阅读 8081

八年级上册英语寒假作业答案2013)()5%一、单词辩音,选出画线部分读音不同的一个( bike)(c. diveb. toy2.

a. tall)(c. dateb.

cat3. a. day)(c.

a. coke c. thankb.

this5. a. than)()5%二、选出不同类的单词( young)(c.

oldb. tallera. shorter2.

)(c. kilometerb. kilogram a.

centimeter 3.)(c. teacherb.

sistera. brother 4. c.

little 5. )分(10使短文完整。,三、根据图意与上下文意思填出恰当的词 name is sarah.

i am 14 years old. i am 161 cm and 40 name ischen jie. she is 13 years old.

she is one year __than me. how___is chen jie? i am 1 kg he**ier __her.

how __is she?and chen jie is 160 cm __she isthan me. chen jie___long hair.

but my hair is __than hers.(四、用括号内单词的正确形式填空:)5% tom istall) than zhang peng or mike?

.2 the desk is 150 cm___long)..34.wu yifan runsfast) than zhangpeng.)5%五、根据问句,选答句((1.

who is youngerthan you?)(2. how he**y are you?

(3which book do you like?))4. how tall are you?

old are you? a. i like the big i’m 35 kg.

c. i’m thirteenyears old. b.

one. d. 1 cm tall.

i’m 14 john. e. 10%注意大小写(六、根据所给的标点符号连词成句,)are,tall,you,how.1tall,cm,am,145,i.2.3me,you,shorter,than,stronger, are, and monkey, only, tall, is, little, the, cm, 40.4you, is, than, who, taller.5七、仔细阅读下列**,根据**中的内容补全句子(name)10% age)cm(height

zhang peng 13 171 john 14 155 mr lee zhang peng is 171cm. he isthan mr lee. john iscm shorter than zhang peng.

4. 5. isthan zhang peng, but he isthanmr john is fourteen.

helee.)15%八、阅读理解(s wuy’myname)1(minclass2, ’m 13 years old. i’ifan.

i s ’is 1 year younger than me, buthe is 2 years older than amy. hejohn is my best friend. he s 10cmtaller than amy.

we like playing computer ’s 5cm shorter than tall. he games. and we often play computer games andwatch tv on the weekends.

but this weekend we根据短文的内容,are going to h**e a picnic in the park.判断下列各句话的正误,正确的写)5%(f错误的写t1. wu yifan is in class six,gradetwo.

)(wu yifan is 131 cm tall.)(4. they like h**ing a picnic.

)(re going to h**eapicnicthisweekend.’ ben? it’s taller than the brown one.

ben: i like the yellowone. look, dad:

which monkey is stronger? ben: the brownmonkey is stronger.

but the yellow monkey is taller. dad: i likethe little monkey.

it’s younger and funnier. ben: how long is itstail?

dad: i think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. its tail is hdad:.

)10%根据对话内容,选择正确答案(1. whichmonkey does ben like?)(b.

the yellow one a. the brownone)(c. the yellow one and the brown one funnier?

is monkey which 2. the c. one yellow the b.

one brown the a.(yellowoneandthebrownone) ’monkeylittle the is long how 3cm 150 b.)(c.

30cm 30 c150 cm b40 cm amonkey? little the istall how 4.)(cm b.

in the park a. in the zoo5.

where are ben and dad now? c. in)用比较的方法写写你的家人在年龄,身高和身体强壮程度等方面5%九、写作(theschool。



同学们,寒假就要开始了!祝愿大家节日期间身体健康,生活快乐。同时也希望大家每天抽出一些时间学习英语。请大家按照如下安排进行学习,争取生活和学习双丰收。一 认真做好 英语寒假作业 每天完成两页,然后自己核对答案,标出难题和重点,返校后向老师请教。1.春节前,腊月十九 腊月二十八,计10天,为第一阶段。...


803班英语寒假作业。温故而知新。为巩固一年半的学习成果 准备下学期期初的检测,希望同学们寒假在家坚持英语学习 认真完成以下作业。下学期初,完成所有作业和期初检测成绩进步的同学将受到奖励!1 朗读三本英语教材上的所有课文。内容 七上 七下 八上次数 至少一遍。2 抄写并记忆三本英语教材上的单词。按照...


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