
发布 2020-03-11 04:38:28 阅读 6459


一. 你怎么了的三种问法。

1) 同义句转化 what’s the matter with you?= what’s __with you?

2) what’s __matter with you? i h**e___stomachache.

二. 表示“患病”的短语。(1)常见的三种疾病。

2)刺痛: h**e a +身体部位+ache 头痛牙疼___胃疼。

3) 酸痛 h**e+a +sore+身体部位嗓子疼___背疼___脖子疼___lily has a __tooth).she has to see the dentist.

三、 情态动词有三组。

后面跟动词___否定后面+__变疑问要把情态动词1)he has a toothache, he should __go) to bed early.

2)you __should) drive your car so fast.

3)he should lie down and resthe do?

4) could you please __take) out the trash? sorry, i __

could 提问回答。

四、 without___是___词,后加动词___

他经常工作太长时间,一动不动。 he often works __too long without

五、 需要做某事你需要远离电脑休息一会儿。 you needaway from the computer.

六、 muchmanytoo much

too manymuch too的意思是。

she eatsfood, so she is __fat.

七.good __好;well好 she is a __girl. she doesn’t feel __today. you are a __student.

i’m not feeling __


i saw some childrendance) over there.

i hear marktalk) on the phone.

i found himcopy) homework.

九.同意做某事finally, theysee the doctor.

theyhelp each other.


my parents __me to exercise everyday.

我希望得到好成绩。iget good grades.

十一 thanks tothanks for___

asking me to your partyyour help, i finished my work in time.

十二形容词 ed结尾形容ing结尾形容___

the news made uskate told me the __news.

we were in great

十三 a fewa little

i hearbirds singing. we still h**eminutes to go.

十四 sick 和ill 的区别 sickbe+__

we are going to visit the___children to cheer them up.

十五 be used to意思是。

the climber is used totake) risks.

used to意思是___

i used to __climb) mountains.

十六 alonelonely___

although he liveshe isn’t

has no family, and he often feels

十七 borrowlend __

can iyour notebook sorry, iit to lily.

十七, makemind, stand+__

十八,why not hang out with us


二十,倒装句 neither +谓 +主

she didn’t do her homework, neither __i.

i don’t like swimming, neither __my sister.


第二章 分解因式 1.把一个多项式化成几个整式乘积的形式这种变形叫做分解因式。分解因式与整式乘法为互逆运算。2.提公因式法。公因式 1.系数 各项系数的最大公因数。2.字母 所有相同字母的最低次幂。注意 2 a a 运用公式法。1.平方差公式 a2 b2 a b a b 注意 平方对整体。2.完全平...


第六章 电压和电阻。一 电流 电压及电流表 电压表。二 电阻 符号 r 概念 导体对电流的阻碍作用 电阻的单位及换算关系 1m 103k 1k 103 影响因素 1 导体的材料 2 导体的长度,导线越长,电阻越大 3 导体的横截面积 导线横截面积越小,电阻越大 4 温度 温度越高,电阻越大。注 导体...


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