
发布 2020-03-03 04:05:28 阅读 7866


一。think and circle.(根据中文圈出正确的单词)(10')

1.狮子( lion tiger )

2.镜子 ( mirror mask )

3. 娃娃( doll bear )

4.光滑的 ( soft smooth )

5. 灰色 ( green grey )

6. 机器人 ( robot toy )

7. 蜥蜴( giraffe lizard)

8.** ( telephone elephant)

9. 品尝( touch taste)

10. 漂亮的 ( super beautiful )

三.think and choose. (选出不同类的单词)(5')

1. (a. apple b. lemon c. sweetd. banana

2. (a. pinkb. black c. colour d. brown

3. (a. hardb. touch c. smell d. close

4. (a. bus b. bird c. car d. boat

5. (a. he b. she c. they d. it

四。think and choose.(选择填空)(10')

( )can you see?

a. i can see a pink book. b. i can see pink. c. yes, i can see a book.

( )2. tweet! tweet! what can you hear?

a. yes, i can hear a bird. b. i can hear a bird. c. i can hear bird.

( )3. what are they?

a. they are sheeps. b. they are sheepes. c. they are sheep.

( )4. look __the mirror, i can see me.

a. in b. on c. to

( )5. is this your ruler, danny?

a. yes, it isn't. b. yes, it is. c. no, it is.

( )6. listen to __dotty in her cage.

a. the b. a c.\

( )7. touch this, how does it feel?

a. it's sour. b. it's rough. c. it's sweet.

( )8. can i help you?

a. yes, i can. b. thank you. c. apples, please.

( )you like monkeys?

a. no, i don't. b. yes, i like bears. c. no, i like.

( )10. what animals do you like?

a. i like dogs. b. yes, i like dogs. c. i like cat.

五。read and choose.(中英文翻译)(10')

1. (the fat man likes jam.

a. 这个胖男人喜欢果酱。 b. 这个胖男人喜欢吃果酱。

2. (jane can make ***** aeroplanes.

a. 简会做纸飞机。 b. 简想要买纸飞机。

3. (danny 有五支铅笔。

a. danny has five pencil. b. danny has five pencils.

4. (它们是长长的,滑滑的。

a. they're short and rough. b. they're long and smooth.

5. (你喜欢这些娃娃吗?

a. do you like this doll? b. do you like these dolls?

六。 read and match. (连线) (15')

一) 反义词连线(二)中英文连线。

sweetshort转转盘draw two dots

tall sour画两点 spin the spinner

big small 一辆旧车a nice skateboard

open hard 一个好滑板a green kite

softclose 一只绿风筝 an old car


what is it? it's sour. it's a lime.

taste this, what is it? it's a strawberry.

smell this, is it nice? no, it isn't.

here you are. fine, thanks.

how are you? thanks.

七。 think and write. (按要求写词) (10')

缩略式: i amyou are= _is not =_

完成式: what'sdoesn'tcan't =

复数 : bus___leaf __it __this __

八。 think, change and write. (单、复数句转换,一空一词)(10')

1. they are buttons. (变为单数句)

is2. this is a fat pig. (变为复数句)

fat __

3. are they good boys? (变为单数句)

good __

九。read and judge.(判断,对't' 错'f')(10')

1. kitty接**时说: hello, i am kitty. (

2. can alice see a bus?(

3. ming can hear a aeroplane.(

4. 你让别人闻闻花说:smell the flower. (

5. we don't like balls.(

十。read and fill in the blanks.(根据中文完成句子,一空一词)(5')

1. 我有两只大眼睛。i h**e two

2. 摸摸桌子,感觉怎么样?touch the deskdoes it feel?

3. 你喜欢熊猫吗? do you like

4. 这个桔子是酸的。 this orange is

十一。 read and judge. (阅读理解,"t"表示对,"f"表示错)(5')

this is a park. it's not big. alice, kitty and peter are playing in the park.

they are happy. look at the trees. they are big, tall and green.

look at the grasses. they are small, short and green. look at the flowers.

they are beautiful. some are yellow and red. some are pink and white.

( )1. this is a small park.

( )2. alice, kitty, ben and peter are playing in the park.

( )3. the trees are tall and grey.

( )4. we can see grasses and flowers in the park.


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