
发布 2020-03-03 04:03:28 阅读 4181

本堂课所呈现的是牛津英语三年级 modul2 unit3 a ner friend。本课的重点和难点应该就是句型“what’s her/his name? her/his name’s ….


step1: warm up

1. greeting.(简单的问候)

2. talk about a girl, kitty.(kitty 是牛津教材里经常出现的人物角色,就如pep教材中amy等)


she’s 8 years old.

she’s from shanghai.

she’s astudent.

she has a camera.

she likes to take photographs.

her name’skitty.

前面四个句型,都是学生熟悉的,在此基础上教师拓展了she likes to…的单数第三人称的句型。

step2 presentation

1. 去掉上面不是划线部分的主要句子结构,让学生来记忆,并把主要句型板书:



a camera.

take photographs.

kitty. 从而直接呈现本课句型:her name’s ….

2. talk about the names of the girls.

what’s her name? her name’s ….

3. 呈现短文。

t: kitty has a camera, she is hapy. she is going to the park with her friends.

let’s watch the ***.

看短文回答问题:who are they?

4. 主要句型练习:

看图说一说:her name’s … his name’s ….

talk about the ss: her name’s … his name’s ….

work in groups and introduce: her name’s … his name’s ….

play a game:

叫6名男生到台前站成一排,其他学生背对黑板,其中以学生发出声音,让其他学生来猜:what's his name? his name’s …

5. 跟读课文。

6. 分角色朗读课文。

step3: consolidation and extension.

1. t: look at the picture. who is sad? ss: kitty?

t: why is she sad? s: because of the camera.

t: where is the camera? i h**e a friend to help kitty to find the camera.


2. talk about conan.

he’s 7 years old.

he’s fromjapan.

he’s a student.

he has afootball.

he likes toplay football.

his name’s conan. (同kitty的呈现)

3. group work

t:conan knows who took the camera, but it’s a secret!

each group can take out your enevlop, work in groups, finishi the *****work.


kongfu pandahui tailangzhang yining

cai yilinliu xiangcat policeman

4. t: conan knows who took it? who is the bad person?

let’s listen what does conan say?

描述:he’s not our friend. he’s a lazy farmer. he’s grey. he has a long tail.

do you know who's he?


t: bad person, bad person, go away.

5. 情感深化:good friends love each other, help each other!

6. assignment

draw a picture of your friend, and introduce your friend to us.


she’s fromhe’s from

she’s ahe’s a

she hashe has

she likes tohe likes to

her name’shis name’s


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