
发布 2020-03-03 04:02:28 阅读 3202

1、if you don’t work hard,__you won’t pass the exam.

d./2、i h**e __pens __pencils with me.

c. no;no

3、--excuse me .do you h**e a table for two ?

--i’m sorry,__there aren’t any seats now .would you mind waiting for a while ?

4、the nurse doesn’t feel well today ,_she still works very hard .

5、work hard,__you will pass the driving test .

6、although it was so cold,__he went out without an overcoat .

a.\ 7、i won’t be back __july.


1. it isuseful toy. i bought it inunusual shop.

a. a; ab. a; anc. an; ad. an; an

2. it’s saturday today. there’s no teacher at school. so i go to school.

a. mustn’t b. don’t need c. don’t h**e to d. should

3. are you __you know the way?

a. thinkb. afraid c. sured. right

4. the dog madeyesterday. it was difficult for me to study.

a. much noise b. many noise c. a lot noise d. lot of noise

5. you can’t go fishing with dadyou finish your homework.

a. becauseb. after c. whiled. until

6. can you teach megoldfish?

a. drawb. how to draw c. what to draw d. drawing

7. it is not easy to swim across ariver.

a. 20-metres-wideb. 20 metres wide

c. 20-metre-widelyd. 20-metre-wide

8. don’t putinto the rubbish bin.

a. hot anything b. anything hot c. something hot d. hot something

9. poppy likesmice and shemy grandfather.

a. chases, belong to b. chasing; is c. chasing; belongs to d. chases; is

10. it’s really __that a tortoise can150 years old.

a. amazed; live upb. amazed; live up to

c. amazing; live tod. amazing ; live up to

11the home for the elderly __your kindness to the old.

a. visiting; show b. visiting; shows c. to visit; show d. visit; shows

12it is! we can’t go outside.

a. what bad weatherb. how bad weather

c. what a bad weatherd. how a bad weather.

13. he wantssomething __himself busy.

a. do, keeping b. to do, to keep c. doing, to keep, d. to do, keeping

14years ago, men could not fly.

a. hundred b. two hundreds c. hundreds of d. two hundred of

15. last week, my father went to work earlier than my mother __

a. doesb. isc. didd was


1. -where is your mum? –sheget) ready for dinner in the kitchen.

2. d**id with his mothergo) to the usa next week.

3. we usually spend 4 hoursdo) sports every week.

4. i h**e a lovely teddy bearcall ) pooh.

5not look ) out of the window in class.

6. it’s too late, i think the shop isclose) now.

7. “how long do you sleep every nightlittle) than 8 hours."

8. look! this pair of trousers fits you verygood ).

9. which do you likewell) ,the big one or the small one?

10. he would likeis) a doctor in the future.


1. 汤姆最喜欢的课是数学。


2. 你戴你这副眼镜看起来酷。

this pair of glassesyou.

3. 安妮正在网上和她的朋友们聊天。

annieher friendsthe internet.

4. 我计划一周游泳一次。

i plan to swim

5. 谢谢你告诉我关于中秋节的故事。

me about the mid-autumn festival.

6. 我没有太多的时间来打篮球。

i don’t h**e too much time

书面表达。wendy 的班上来了一位学生,她在向她的新同学介绍周围的情况,请帮助wendy用英语讲述。在学校周围有一家新开的购物中心。


在购物中心的附近也有家餐馆,我们可以吃到四川食物,四川食物很辣(spicy),但我想你肯定会喜欢。(提示单词:shopping mall)


知识要点:1. 分式方程:分母中含有未知数的方程叫做分式方程。

2. 分式方程的解:


3. 解分式方程的步骤:







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