
发布 2020-03-03 03:53:28 阅读 5955






)1、a、giraffe b、elephant c、pig d、fun

)2、a、pear b、watermelon c、grape d、fruit

) b. boy c. girl d. mother

) b. arm c. leg d. hand

) kite b. water c. milk d. juice

) b. pen c. white d. blue

) b. apple c. egg

) b. in c. on d. under

) b. bag c. small d. short

) b. red c. desk d. chair

三。选择恰当的词或句子填空,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。(每小题1分,共15 分)

) elephant has two ears .

a. small b. big c. short

) 2.— where is kite?

— it’s over there. b. me c. my

)3. —the monkey has a tail.

yes, you’re right. a. long b. big c. short

)4. —i h**e an .a. milk b. apple c. oranges

) dogs do you see? a. many b. much c. old

) he father? a. your b. you c./

)7. —h**e some fruit

a. yes b. certainly c. thank you

)8. —do you like bananas

a. yes ,i do b. no, i do c. yes ,i don’t

( )9. —let’s h**e some peaches

b. that’s ok.

)10. —can i h**e some watermelon juice,please?

. here you are b. no, you can’t

you ( )11. —can i h**e orange? —sure.

a. a b. an c. /

)12. —here’s a pear for you

a. you’re welcome ok you

)13. —is it a watermelon

a. yes, he is b. no, it isn’t c. you’re welcome

)14. —who’s thatshe’s my sister.

b. girl

)15. —here you are

a. thanks too h**e two


iii )1. h**e some h**e 16 .

) many crayons do you h**e? b. certainly

)3. where is my carc. i’m from china.

)4. can i h**e some apples ? d. it’s on your desk.

) are you frome. thank you.





a:hello ! i’m john .what’s your name ?

ba: where are you from ?

ba: look ! i h**e a toy elephant .

ba: look at its long nose .

b:may i h**e a look ?

ab: thanks .


1. pears , h**e , let’s some, the , look , pandas, you , 16 , h**e, many , h**e , you , do , how ( like , do ,eggs








)7. 想了解对方有几支蜡笔,你可以问:




a. who’s that man ?

b. how many crayons do you h**e?

c. where’s my book ?

d. no, thanks.

e. nice to meet you .

f. can i h**e a peach ?

g. what a big elephant !

h. where are you from ?

i. do you like oranges ?


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